next-shared-cache copied to clipboard
Add example for AWS S3
Also applies here
Hi everyone, wanted to contribute my AWS S3 implementation (I use DO Spaces, but should be similar for other S3 compatible services)
please feel free to contribute to improve upon this concept or highlight where I got it wrong, I just threw it together but seems to work. I use Next14 pages router so I don't think I can make use of the revalidateTag
methods yet but they should be okay?
Thanks for creating this library :)
const { reviveFromBase64Representation, replaceJsonWithBase64 } = require("@neshca/json-replacer-reviver")
const { IncrementalCache, RevalidatedTags, Cache } = require("@neshca/cache-handler")
const createLruCache = require("@neshca/cache-handler/local-lru").default
const { S3, GetObjectCommand, PutObjectCommand, GetObjectCommandOutput } = require("@aws-sdk/client-s3")
const REVALIDATED_TAGS_KEY = "sharedRevalidatedTags"
const S3_BASE_PATH = "nextjs-cache"
const client = new S3({
credentials: {
accessKeyId: process.env.DO_SPACES_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: process.env.DO_SPACES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
endpoint: process.env.DO_SPACES_ENDPOINT,
region: process.env.DO_SPACES_REGION,
forcePathStyle: false,
const bucket = process.env.DO_SPACES_BUCKET
* @param {GetObjectCommandOutput["Body"]} body
const fromBuffer = async (body) => {
if (body) {
const buffers = []
for await (const data of body) {
return JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(buffers), reviveFromBase64Representation)
return null
/** @returns {Promise<RevalidatedTags>} */
const getTags = async () => {
const command = new GetObjectCommand({
Bucket: bucket,
try {
const response = await client.send(command)
const sharedRevalidatedTags = await fromBuffer(response.Body)
const entries = Object.entries(sharedRevalidatedTags)
return Object.fromEntries([tag, revalidatedAt]) => [tag, Number(revalidatedAt)]))
} catch (error) {
// this handles the scenario where the object hasn't been added to the bucket yet. S3 throws an error if it cannot find the key
return {}
* @param {string} key
* @param {any} value
const putCommand = async (key, value) => {
const command = new PutObjectCommand({
Bucket: bucket,
Key: `${S3_BASE_PATH}/${key}`,
Body: JSON.stringify(value, replaceJsonWithBase64),
ContentType: "application/json",
ContentEncoding: "base64",
await client.send(command)
IncrementalCache.onCreation(async () => {
// read more about TTL limitations
const useTtl = false
/** @type {Cache} */
const s3Cache = {
async get(key) {
try {
const command = new GetObjectCommand({
Bucket: bucket,
Key: `${S3_BASE_PATH}/${key}`,
const response = await client.send(command)
return await fromBuffer(response.Body)
} catch (error) {
return null
async set(key, value, ttl) {
try {
await putCommand(key, value)
} catch (error) {
async getRevalidatedTags() {
try {
return await getTags()
} catch (error) {
async revalidateTag(tag, revalidatedAt) {
try {
const existingTags = await getTags()
const newTags = {
[tag]: revalidatedAt,
await putCommand(REVALIDATED_TAGS_KEY, newTags)
} catch (error) {
const localCache = createLruCache({
return {
cache: [s3Cache, localCache],
useFileSystem: !useTtl,
module.exports = IncrementalCache
Hey @better-salmon ! Just wanted to report back with a question...
So I ran in to an issue when I build and deploy a new version of my code where existing cached pages first show an empty page and if I refresh it loads the web page correctly.
Given I think i understand how ISR works, I understand why this is:
- user tries to view a page, the ISR expiry date has passed
- app tries to pull page from cache, but the page has references to old build .js filenames and build ids
- app page is blank, but this page request triggers a new ISR to save to cache
- user refreshes, page is displayed
I am wondering how I should be handling this scenario since the initial page view will try to reference a page from cache with JS files that no longer can be referenced (since the JS file ids change on each build)
Do i need to add a deployment webhook that clears my cache in my S3 bucket on deployment, or did I mess something up in my config above?
Curious about your thoughts or how you handle this on Redis implementations.
For reference, I've exported the .json that is saved in my S3 bucket so you can see the diff.
Old === what is in the cache after a new build but without a refresh New === what is in the cache after the page refresh
Thanks for your time!
EDIT: if you're curious how I'm doing SSG here is an example that I use on a page. I just default to dynamically generate all paths after deployment (hence the empty array)
export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {
return {
paths: [],
fallback: "blocking",
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps<Props, RouteParams> = async ({ params }) => {
if (params) {
const ssg = createServerSideHelpers({
client: vtrpc,
try {
await ssg.landingPage.byLinkName.prefetch({
name: params.shortcode,
} catch (error) {}
try {
await ssg.landingPage.seo.prefetch({
name: params.shortcode,
} catch (error) {}
return {
props: {
id: params.shortcode,
trpcState: ssg.dehydrate(),
revalidate: 60,
} else {
return {
redirect: {
destination: "/",
permanent: true,
Hi @uncvrd,
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. I want to start by thanking you for your participation! Your example will be added to the documentation, but I need some time to test it.
Now, let me answer your questions. When deploying a new build of your application, it's important not to use the cache from the previous builds. To automate this process, I recommend using two methods simultaneously:
- Automatically delete your old ISR/Data cache when deploying a new build of your application.
- Use cache key prefixes to separate the old and new caches.
You can find instructions on using Build Id as a cache key prefix here: Build Id as a Prefix Key.
Hey @better-salmon no worries - thanks for the response!
Thanks for the guidance on the build id, I'll work on implementing.
I really wanted to enforce a shorter bucket lifecycle policy to automatically delete items after a small period of time so that I wouldn't have to create a webhook to delete all cache on build. All my SSG pages have a TTL of 60 seconds and S3 doesn't allow a lifecycle policy less than a day.
I already use NATS in my infrastructure (it can be used like a KV similar to Redis) so I figured I'd build out a handler for that to test too. For this I've defined a lifecycle of 70 seconds (just a bit longer than my TTL for SSG) and it seems to be working great with minimal downtime between builds since the TTL defined on my "kv cache" is so small
Anyways, I took most of your inner workings for Redis and built this out:
// cache-handler/index.js
const { IncrementalCache } = require("@neshca/cache-handler")
const createLruCache = require("@neshca/cache-handler/local-lru").default
const { connect } = require("nats")
const createNatsCache = require("./nats-cache")
IncrementalCache.onCreation(async () => {
// read more about TTL limitations
const useTtl = false
const client = await connect({
servers: process.env.NATS_INTERNAL_HREF,
user: "admin",
pass: process.env.NATS_ADMIN_PASS,
const natsCache = await createNatsCache({
// timeout for the Redis client operations like `get` and `set`
// after this timeout, the operation will be considered failed and the `localCache` will be used
timeoutMs: 5000,
const localCache = createLruCache({
return {
cache: [natsCache, localCache],
useFileSystem: !useTtl,
module.exports = IncrementalCache
// cache-handler/nats-cache.js
const { JSONCodec } = require("nats")
const { Cache } = require("@neshca/cache-handler")
* @param {Promise<any>} operation
* @param {number} timeoutMs
* @returns {Promise<any>}
function withTimeout(operation, timeoutMs) {
if (typeof timeoutMs !== "number" || isNaN(timeoutMs) || timeoutMs <= 0) {
return operation
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const timeoutHandle = setTimeout(reject, timeoutMs, new Error(`Operation timed out after ${timeoutMs} ms`))
.then((result) => {
.catch((error) => {
const getTags = async (key, timeoutMs) => {
try {
const getRevalidatedTags = kv.get(key)
const value = await withTimeout(getRevalidatedTags, timeoutMs)
return value?.json() ?? {}
} catch (error) {
return {}
* @param {NatsCacheHandlerOptions}
* @returns {Promise<Cache>}
async function createNatsCache({ client, keyPrefix = "", revalidatedTagsKey = "__sharedRevalidatedTags__", useTtl = false, timeoutMs }) {
const js = client.jetstream()
const kv = await js.views.kv(`nextjs-cache`, {
ttl: 70 * 1000, // 70 seconds
// NOTE: i dont create the revalidatedTags object here
return {
// name: "nats-stack",
async get(key) {
try {
const getCacheValue = kv.get(keyPrefix + key)
const value = await withTimeout(getCacheValue, timeoutMs)
const cacheValue = value?.json?.() ?? null
if (cacheValue?.value?.kind === "ROUTE") {
cacheValue.value.body = Buffer.from(cacheValue.value.body, "base64")
return cacheValue
} catch (error) {
return null
async set(key, cacheValue, ttl) {
try {
let preparedCacheValue = cacheValue
if (cacheValue.value?.kind === "ROUTE") {
preparedCacheValue = structuredClone(cacheValue)
// @ts-expect-error -- object must have the same shape as cacheValue
preparedCacheValue.value.body = cacheValue.value.body.toString("base64")
const setCacheValue = kv.put(keyPrefix + key, JSONCodec().encode(preparedCacheValue))
await withTimeout(setCacheValue, timeoutMs)
} catch (error) {}
async getRevalidatedTags() {
try {
return await getTags(keyPrefix + revalidatedTagsKey, timeoutMs)
} catch (error) {}
async revalidateTag(tag, revalidatedAt) {
try {
const sharedRevalidatedTags = await getTags(keyPrefix + revalidatedTagsKey, timeoutMs)
const newTags = {
[tag]: revalidatedAt,
const setRevalidatedTags = kv.put(keyPrefix + revalidatedTagsKey, JSONCodec().encode(newTags))
await withTimeout(setRevalidatedTags, timeoutMs)
} catch (error) {}
module.exports = createNatsCache
Do note, that I dont create the revalidatedKeys object when initializing this like you do for Redis, that happens in the getTags
function if that key cannot be found since this object also expires every 70 seconds too
Anyways I hope this example is useful too!
Thank you for your attention and contribution!
I noticed one thing in your code that can be improved. You do not need to use the try/catch
inside the Cache methods. Moreover, you must throw an error to pass the work to the subsequent Handler.
I am working on a new documentation section that will sufficiently cover these nuances.
Gotcha - thanks for the feedback! I'll check the docs regarding error handling 🙏
Hi @better-salmon! I'm trying to find where in the docs you write about the nuances of using try/catch? Was this ever added?
If not, is it the still the case you shouldn't use try/catch within the methods? And if we don't use try/catch how do we handle 404 scenarios? Thank you!
Hello @dross15! It is mentioned here and also in the Guide of creating a custom Handler.