Results 28 issues of Romain Brestac

A CPTextField that wraps has no implicit way to tell what its intrinsic size is. It needs to have a given width or height as a result of resolving the...

The contentSize priorities must be implemented in all views where they differ from the CPView default or the CPControl default. A general review of cocoa behavior is needed and capp...

The constraints to visualize. All constraints must be held by views in the window. **Discussion** The constraints to visualize are typically discovered by identifying a view whose layout is unexpected...

@property(readonly) CGFloat baselineOffsetFromBottom; The distance (in points) between the bottom of the view’s alignment rectangle and its baseline. The default value of this property is 0. For views that contain...


@property(nonatomic, readonly) NSEdgeInsets alignmentRectInsets; The default value of this property is an NSEdgeInsets structure with zero values. Custom views that draw ornamentation around their content should use this property to...


Call -invalidateIntrinsicContentSize in controls when appropriate (the content changes). Currently done in CPButton & subclasses. Call this when something changes in your custom view that invalidates its intrinsic content size....


CPWindow - (CPLayoutAttribute)anchorAttributeForOrientation:(CPLayoutConstraintOrientation)orientation Returns which part of the window stays stationary during constraint based layout.

The Apple way is to lower the priority on one of the conflicting constraint and try to resolve again.