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[Suggestion] Auto-place Torches
Good day people! I would like to suggest an auto-place function for torches so that while mining, you won't worry mobs spawning behind you or previous tunnels you built :)
#autotorch (on/off auto torch) #autotorchradius (specifies what light level will the torch be placed on)
Adding this suggestion will make less worries for mobs while afk'ing. Although #avoidance has this, adding light while mining is better. It also guides your way.
Turn on kill aura
Yes, for Impact. But what if I wanted to use 1.14? Then I'd have to pay for Impact yet not many people will choose to buy a hack client. I'd use the stand-alone Baritone due to its simplicity.
^ or people like me that just use baritone standalone
its also nice to have some light, i guess?
personally i vote that if this gets implemented, that the toggle command should be "lightmeup"
That's a good suggestion. I hope that this feature will be added on future releases.
@Lolfaceftw agreed.
@Xephorix Do you have any proposition to improve this suggestion?
So... Autotorch has been implemented or not...
look at the issue status
ho yeah sorry, i'm pretty bad on baritone, i'm learning how all of that code work, and i just discovered i wasn't using the good version. So, thank you ^^
So like, what's the issue here? Does anyone have anything AGAINST this being added?
At least make baritone NOT break the torches (by default) that are already on a path. Why does it have to break torches.
In fact, right now, the blocksToAvoidBreaking
setting doesn't even support avoiding torches.
set blocksToAvoidBreaking crafting_table,furnace,chest,trapped_chest,torch,wall_torch,soul_torch,soul_wall_torch
does absolutely nothing.
Nobody is against this being added. I don't see where you got that idea from. As for the last part, there's already a bug report opened for that
Meteor client 1.18.1 (baritone) world > Spawn proofer
Just came here to make the very same suggestion. As the most easy implementation I could imagine every time on a path a block under a light threshold (probably 0 default) is encountered a torch will be placed on it. There are tons of edge cases where this might not lead to the desired result, but its a 99% solution that will make many people happy and I think it might not be too hard to implement the next time this code is touched...
As for the motivation, this also makes you less susceptible to being detected, as normally people place torches to see something...
hmm tunnel will be awesome using this.
Could be a great implementation.
bruh its been 2019 hahaha xD I guess GTA 6 will come first before this.