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Clinical Data Counts Issue (Patients are incorrectly counted because case insensitivity)
Study where issue was found https://www.cbioportal.org/study/summary?id=prad_organoids_msk_2022
Specifically the issue was found while looking at the Pie Chart Ethnicity
Patients Related to issue
- VCaP
- 22RV1
- 22Rv1
- PC3
- PC-3
The Patients above seem to be merged together when counting clinical-data-counts even though they have unique patient internal ids.
The Ethnicity chart shows 5 Caucasians, but there are a total of 6
Found in the RFC80 Effort
SQL used
SELECT '' AS sample_unique_id,
concat(cs.cancer_study_identifier, '_', p.stable_id) AS patient_unique_id,
cam.attr_id AS attribute_name,
ifNull(clinpat.attr_value, '') AS attribute_value,
cs.cancer_study_identifier AS cancer_study_identifier,
'patient' AS type
FROM patient AS p
INNER JOIN cancer_study AS cs ON p.cancer_study_id = cs.cancer_study_id
FULL OUTER JOIN clinical_attribute_meta AS cam ON cs.cancer_study_id = cam.cancer_study_id
FULL OUTER JOIN clinical_patient AS clinpat ON (p.internal_id = clinpat.internal_id) AND (clinpat.attr_id = cam.attr_id)
WHERE cam.patient_attribute = 1 and cs.cancer_study_identifier = 'prad_organoids_msk_2022' and attribute_name = 'ETHNICITY';