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Documentation for the 'Quick select' buttons on top of the query page…
… of cBioPortal
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- [ ] The commit log is comprehensible. It follows 7 rules of great commit messages. We can fix this during merge by using a squash+merge if necessary
- [ ] Has tests or has a separate issue that describes the types of test that should be created. If no test is included it should explicitly be mentioned in the PR why there is no test.
- [ ] Is this PR adding logic based on one or more clinical attributes? If yes, please make sure validation for this attribute is also present in the data validation / data loading layers (in backend repo) and documented in File-Formats Clinical data section!
- [ ] Make sure your PR has one of the labels defined in https://github.com/cBioPortal/cbioportal/blob/master/.github/release-drafter.yml
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If this is a new visual feature please add a before/after screenshot or gif here with e.g. Giphy CAPTURE or Peek
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