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Idea: Concurrency manager
Inspired by the article: https://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2015/02/01/what-color-is-your-function/
But if you have threads (green- or OS-level), you don’t need to do that. You can just suspend the entire thread and hop straight back to the OS or event loop without having to return from all of those functions.
Go is the language that does this most beautifully in my opinion. As soon as you do any IO operation, it just parks that goroutine and resumes any other ones that aren’t blocked on IO.
Inspired by scoped allocators:
DynamicArenaAllocator dynamic_arena;
// This allocation uses the dynamic arena
Foo* f = malloc(Foo);
// Release any dynamic arena memory.
An opt-in scope with a job scheduler which can spin up and pause a "thread-like" on IO or other interrupts (?) would be really interesting
- Similar to an allocator like the
, the job scheduler behaviour could be configurable to suit an application** - only exists in a scope
- eg how aggressively it paused jobs would determine latency, but reduce throughput how many "thread-like"s to make
Some psuedocode of network based concurrency
concurrency::AsyncIO asyncio;
concurrency::SchedulerWorkStealing work_stealing;
asyncio.init(thread_type: os::GreenThread, timeout: 500, clock_cycle_time: 22, scheduler: work_stealing, num_threads: 4 * NUM_CPU);
// Network requests here
Some psuedocode of long running jobs based concurrency
But also support things which are of a very different nature, eg high performance computing job scheduling
concurrency::JobQueue job_queue;
concurrency::SchedulerFIFO fifo_scheduler;
job_queue.init(thread_type: os::Thread, timeout: 100_000, scheduler: fifo_scheduler, num_threads: 10_000);
// HPC compute tasks here
variables **
latency, throughput, cross-job-synchronisation, number of jobs, job length, job scheduling
platform constraints
platform memory amount, platform memory bandwidth, platform memory access times if NUMA, platform CPU/GPU, platform network
Task constraints
- CPU time limit
- Memory usage limits
- Time before timeout
- Access to particular subsystem, eg network may be restricted completely
- Access to particular subsystem may need to wait for other tasks to complete.
- Cross-task communication
Cross task communication
- Barriers force tasks to sync then exchange information, eg if need dependency to proceed.
- Accumulate work from faster tasks into an in-memory or disk-based buffer to be processed by the slower task when ready, eg sending emails get queued into a list by an API
Task groups (just a kind of task)
- Groups of tasks, where one task depends on another eg fetching details from a database to use in an API request. Expression blocks or functions might be a nice way to express this
Task priority
- Task priority, some tasks are critical within a deadline, others are optional within a deadline, eg cancel the optional ones to get the critical ones done in time.
- Cancelable and non-Cancelable tasks, some tasks should not be cancelled, while others are OK to cancel, based on a message sent to the task or decided centrally?
- Policy on cancel, restart or do not restart, postpone for X time, exponential backoff etc
- Interrupts
Fault tolerance - How to handle failed tasks
- Task must have Excuse handling code
- Common: Report Excuse, Repeat task, Fail task, Reach Consensus in Distributed systems.
Scheduler types
- Work stealing (levelling out the workload across threads)
- Realtime deterministic scheduler (deadline focused)
- Distributed systems
- NUMA system
So this abstraction should work through the range of use-cases from an embedded system, to a video game, webserver, NUMA system to a distributed system.