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Delete Chef client and node when destroying Vagrant VM

Gem Version Build Status Code Climate


If you're using Vagrant with the Chef-Client provisioner it creates a client and a node on the Chef server when the VM spins up.

This plugin will automatically get rid of that cruft for you when you destroy the VM.


Install this plugin using the Vagrant command line:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-butcher


The plugin is loaded automatically once installed.


For most cases, the plugin shouldn't need any configuration. However, there are a few options that can be set. The options are all set in the Vagrantfile in the format:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
  config.butcher.<option> = <value>
Option Default Value Purpose
enabled true Defines whether node and client should be deleted
guest_key_path '/etc/chef/client.pem' Location of the client key in the guest VM
verify_ssl true If set to false, does not verify Chef's host key
proxy nil Inform the URL of a proxy server between your host and the Chef Server
client_name Guest's node name Inform a client name to override the plugin's default behaviour
client_key Guest's client key Point to a local .pem key file that matches the client_name


  • So far this has only been tested and confirmed to run with the VirtualBox and Rackspace provisioners. It should work with others, but if you run into issues please file a bug.
  • The default . -> /vagrant shared folder should be mounted.
  • verify_ssl is enabled by default. You might want to disable that if, for example, you run your own Chef server with a self-signed cert. Check here to see how.



  • Fix logger spam caused by Hashie used in Ridley (see issue)


  • Removed compatibility with Vagrant < 1.5
  • Fixes an issue with recent Vagrant versions where the butcher sequence would never run
  • Sets default guest_key_path depending on OS
  • Tested and confirmed working on Windows and Linux


  • No more option to point to knife.rb. Data is retrieved from the Vagrantfile's chef_client provisioner
  • chef is no longer a requirement (no more json conflicts)
  • Configuration items were added to point to custom client name and key
  • It's possible to disable the plugin by setting the enabled flag to false in the Vagrantfile.

See Configuration for all possible customisations.


  • :auto was added as an optional value for knife_config_file


  • Support for Vagrant 1.2


  • Support for Vagrant 1.x (it's been tested on 1.1.4, but should work on previous minor releases) -- if you're using a pre-1.0 Vagrant release, stick to vagrant-butcher 0.0.3.
  • Configuration change.
  • Installation via vagrant plugin only.
  • Provider-independent. Read more


  • Uses chef.node_name if set. Otherwise, fall back to vm.host_name (as before), or -- Kudos to pikesley.



  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request