This just happened to me with the 0.0.0_beta1 (1.1641979026) build. * macOS Monterey 12.3.1 (21E258) * M1 MacBook Air Open Files and Ports ``` cwd /Users/c10l/Library/Containers/com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent/Data txt /Applications/Secretive.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/SecretAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/SecretAgent txt /Applications/Secretive.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/SecretAgent.app/Contents/Frameworks/SecretKit.framework/Versions/A/SecretKit...
I don't think a Nick lock option would be ideal either. The Lounge should *never* change a user-set parameter in the server config. I understand (although don't necessarily agree with)...
I'm also interested in this. Looks like the project is passed as a URL parameter. This is from `lxc network list --debug`: ``` ... DBUG[08-12|20:57:58] Sending request to LXD method=GET...
Found the [Swagger docs](https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/api/master/) for the API, `project` is declared as a parameter in many but not all endpoints. I believe having it as an argument everywhere it's supported is...
@jtopjian Would you mind checking out the code that's currently in, and perhaps approving running the workflow so we can give the tests a whirl? Thanks!
> open a small PR that makes a minor change Hope this is fine: https://github.com/terraform-lxd/terraform-provider-lxd/pull/239 If not, let me know and I'll whip something else up. > I can take...
Thanks for your review. I have hopefully addressed all your points. Tests are still failing. I think have finally managed to run them locally so I'll be digging into them...
@lblasc sorry, I never got the test suite to work properly and eventually other commitments took precedence over this. I'm happy for anyone to take over it if they're interested.
I'm having the same issue. This is running OctoPi connected to a 3D printer over USB. Power is via the official wall wart that came in the kit for this...
Thanks for your comment. I tried the only powered hub I had at hand but it didn't provide the Pi with enough voltage, so I went back to the other...