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Binance API Client


Python client for the Binance API.

Requires python 3.6 or greater.


git clone
cd binance
python install


First, enter your API key and secret into config.yaml. Then run the command below:

python test

Any log messages are written to tests/test.log.

To enter a pdb shell on a test failure, run

pytest --pdb

See the pytest docs for more information.

Enabling all tests

By default, tests that would change your account in any way, such as placing an order or withdrawing funds, are disabled. To enable them, edit pytest.ini by changing

testpaths = tests/


testpaths = tests

then follow the instructions in tests/


Enabling these tests means that your account balances will be changed if the tests are successful. Follow the configuration instructions very carefully. Failing to do so could result in the tests altering your account in a negative way.


from binance import BinanceClient

client = BinanceClient(apikey, apisecret)

Storage Classes

Most client methods described below return objects that can be found in binance/ These objects convert values into their natives types, including:

  • decimal strings to float
  • timestamps to datetime.datetime

Each object accepts a raw API version of the object in its constructor. These objects also have a to_json() method that returns the object as a JSON-dumpable dictionary.

Client Methods

Methods with names ending with _async are asynchronous coroutines that perform the same action as their synchronous counterpart. (Read more about Python's asynchronous features here.)

Public Endpoint Methods

def ping()

Return the server time in milliseconds as an integer.

def get_server_time()


def get_ticker(self, symbol='')


def get_depth(self, symbol)
async def get_depth_async(self, symbol)

Return list of

def get_candlesticks(self, symbol, interval, **kwargs)
async def get_candlesticks_async(self, symbol, interval, **kwargs)

Signed Endpoint Methods


Return list of

def get_trade_info(self, symbol)

Return list of

def get_open_orders(self, symbol)

Return list of

def get_all_orders(self, symbol):


def get_order_status(self, symbol, order_id)
def place_market_buy(self, symbol, quantity, **kwargs)
def place_market_sell(self, symbol, quantity, **kwargs)
def place_limit_buy(self, symbol, quantity, price, **kwargs)
def place_limit_sell(self, symbol, quantity, price, **kwargs)

Return True if order was canceled successfully.

def cancle_order(self, order_id)

Return True if the withdraw is successfully initiated.

def withdraw(self, asset, amount, address, **kwargs)

Return list of

def get_withdraw_history(self, asset='', **kwargs)

Return list of

def get_deposit_history(self, asset='', **kwargs)

Websocket Endpoint Methods

def watch_depth(self, symbol)

See for an example of how to use the asynchronous watch_depth() method.

def watch_candlesticks(self, symbol)

See for an example of how to use the asynchronous watch_candlesticks() method.

Event Callback Methods

def event(self, coro)

Register an asynchronous coroutine that is fired on certain client events.

Supported Events:

  • on_depth_ready
  • on_depth_event
  • on_candlesticks_ready
  • on_candlesticks_event

See scripts/ and scripts/ for examples.


In order for the scripts below to work correctly, you must put your apiKey and secretKey into the apikey and apisecret slots in config.yaml, respectively.


usage: watchdepth [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                  [--version] [--debug] [-l DEPTH_LIMIT]
                  config_uri symbol

positional arguments:
  config_uri            the config file to use.
  symbol                watch the depth of symbol <SYMBOL>.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Show the package version and exit.
  -l DEPTH_LIMIT, --depth-limit DEPTH_LIMIT
                        show the <DEPTH> latest orders on each side.


usage: watchcandlesticks [-h] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                         [--version] [--debug] [-d DEPTH]
                         config_uri symbol interval

positional arguments:
  config_uri            the config file to use.
  symbol                watch the candlesticks of symbol <SYMBOL>.
  interval              set the candlesticks interval.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             Show the package version and exit.
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        display the <DEPTH> latest candlesticks.