Michael Niewöhner
Michael Niewöhner
I'm not sure if you can access *all* registers via the bridge
This should be somehow possible via pinctrl dts entries for the bootloader kernel, too
Hi, I am sorry for the delay. Since flashrom uses bitbang mode I think it wouldn't be that hard to add optional one/three more IO pins. (EDIT: After reading some...
One year is over, so it's time for a new comment :'D Sync FIFO requires the RD and WR pins to be driven... so that is not possible.
@ilikenwf Try to keep ISHC and FTUP partition
I don't think there is a way to load the firmware from linux. I wanted to have a look at ISH on my systems but neither Lenovo x260 nor Dell...
There is https://github.com/espressif/esp-lwip now with lwip 2.1.2. I am wondering what I should use ...... - https://github.com/espressif/esp-lwip (2.1.2) - https://github.com/pfalcon/esp-lwip (1.4.1) - https://github.com/d-a-v/esp82xx-nonos-linklayer (2.1.2) - https://github.com/pfalcon/lwip-esp8266 (1.4.0-RC2)
> I solved my problem with the restore instructions from the wiki. > > The command line in the wiki is missing a space before the last "-d /datastore" >...