Clemens Wolff

Results 41 issues of Clemens Wolff

For our kubernetes setup we want to automatically scale the number of Celery pods based on the length of the Azure ServiceBus queues, e.g. using [keda](


**What's this?** Currently to set up a new Lokole device, the user needs to: 1) Burn an operating system to an SD card 2) Mount the SD card in the...


Some notes from Jason: > As far as I remember, it used PACTOR and some windows software that > interfaced with the PACTOR modem. I think the windows software also...


Currently all Lokole clients are configured to send their API requests to `` (see []( We should change this such that each client sends its API requests to a separate...


This will require: 1. Reverting to re-enable persisting mutation of the user object 2. Find a way to make the password changeable/non-changeable per email tenant in the webapp. Currently...

good first issue

1. Remove vm extenstion to run ( 2. Remove deployment VM from ARM template: 3. Define acs-engine template with an extension in the masterprofile ( to run


Currently, the [helm chart]( that sets up Cassandra has nodes discovering each other by IP during data replication. In rare situations we've seen this cause issues if Cassandra and Kubernetes...


We hit an out of memory issue due to unstable streaming which resulted in Spark cancelling the job. The driver kept running with a stopped context. We need to recreate...


It looks like we're writing a mix of both english and spanish terms to cassandra. For example, if `ataque` is a watchlist term for a Fortis site, where the primary...


This pull request adds a flag `--raw` to skip shell escaping the values that are being output. The use-case I have for this flag is two-fold: 1. The current escaping...