before_after copied to clipboard
before_after provides utilities to help test race conditions
before_after provides utilities to help test race conditions.
When testing Python programs that run in multiple threads or processes it's useful to simulate race conditions to ensure you handle them properly. before_after provides two functions, before
and after
, that allow you to insert pre or post functions to be called before/after a function you want to test.
See this blog post <>
_ for a practical example of using before_after in tests.
before_after is sugar over the Mock library <>
. It's recommended that you read the docs before using before_after, especially Where to patch <>
Example usage
Practical example of testing race conditions <>
.. code:: python
def before_fn(*a, **k):
print 'before_fn called with', a, k
def after_fn(*a, **k):
print 'after_fn called with', a, k
def hello(name, greeting='Hello'):
print '{greeting} {name}!'.format(
greeting=greeting, name=name)
with before_after.before('__main__.hello', before_fn):
# before_fn called with ('World',) {}
# Hello World!
with before_after.after('__main__.hello', after_fn):
hello('everybody', greeting='Hi there')
# Hi there everybody!
# after_fn called with ('everybody',) {'greeting': 'Hi there'}
Use with recursive functions
By default, before_after only calls the before_fn/after_fn function once. This is useful if you're calling the original function within the before_fn/after_fn, since otherwise you'll blow the stack. This behaviour can be disabled by passing once=False
.. code:: python
my_list = []
def before_fn(*a, **k):
print 'calling my_append in before_fn'
def my_append(item):
print 'appending', item, 'to my_list'
print 'my_list is now', my_list
with before_after.before('__main__.my_append', before_fn):
# calling my_append in before_fn
# appending 1 to my_list
# my_list is now [1]
# appending 2 to my_list
# my_list is now [1, 2]
with before_after.before('__main__.my_append', before_fn, once=False):
# calling my_append in before_fn
# calling my_append in before_fn
# calling my_append in before_fn
# ...
# RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
It's recommended that if you're passing once=False
that you make sure your program will exit cleanly!
Use with methods
Since v1.0.0 before_after can be used on function methods. Make sure your before_fn/after_fn accepts a self
.. code:: python
class Greeter(object):
def __init__(self):
self.greeted = []
def greet(self, name):
print 'Hi there', name
print 'This is now a party of', len(self.greeted)
def after_fn(self, name):
self.greet("{name}'s guest".format(name=name))
greeter = Greeter()
with before_after.after('__main__.Greeter.greet', after_fn):
# Hi there Alice
# This is now a party of 1
# Hi there Alice's guest
# This is now a party of 2