I don't know how easy option 2 is but I think leaving the $ in helps establish where the command should be run although it was usually stated near the...
As a new user to rust I want to say that this in my opinion would be a great step in the right direction. It would help make rust adoption...
I'm very new to rust and not sure if I missed it somewhere higher up but wanted to give my opinion on back-end support from my humble point of view....
If I'm understanding plugins correctly then Tarpaulin is already a coverage plugin for cargo (among others) https://lib.rs/crates/cargo-tarpaulin I found it in the list of plugins for cargo https://lib.rs/development-tools/cargo-plugins The only...
Does this crate use net2?
@cecton did you ever implement the reading in a secret from a file?
Ok thanks. If I do I'll submit it but I'm not quite sure how to securely accomplish that task.
Thanks that looks like something I might be able to follow up on.
Disclaimer I'm new to Rust (but not programing). So if someone can look over what I did that would be great. (I used PyCharm to follow the code from one...
@Keats if you are not opposed to this and @flxzt doesn't mind waiting a while until I can get some time. I wouldn't mind trying to implement it using a...