Brian Zier

Results 36 comments of Brian Zier

I realized that I never did this comparison a few months ago, but it looks like you've already captured it [here]( For whatever it is worth, I did finally do...

@kevinhughes27 What are your thoughts around this issue now? I'm a little hesitant to close it without verifying that the changes truly resolve the problems described in the initial comment....

@BoboTiG I realized my numbers above included the actual screen capture in the timings, so it wasn't just the transformation of BGRA->RGB. However, the capture was identical for both, so...

Also, since the PIL option was so fast, I tried converting it to a numpy array, but it is slow: ```python numpy.array(Image.frombytes('RGB', im.size, im.bgra, 'raw', 'BGRX')) ``` For now, given...

@kevinhughes27, When you get the chance, please take a look at my [`gym-record`]( branch. I have re-written `` to use the gym environment. On my machine, performance is terrible, and...

The only other thing that I would add is that the current `XboxContoller` class is defined in ``, so it may be a combination of modifying that file in addition...

To be clear, that class is what is used to read the gamepad input. In your case, you would be providing similar functionality, but reading from the keyboard input instead....

There are colons in the directory name, which aren't valid on Windows. You'll probably need to track down where the directory name is generated, based on the current date and...

Splitting this into a new issue, since the title of the previous one was done a long time ago.

Hi @Redrew, how are you running the environment currently? Prior to adding a docker setup, I did have a readme section on using VNC. You can still see that [here](