web3-token copied to clipboard
Web3 Token is a new way to authenticate users in a hybrid dApps using signed messages. Implementation of EIP-4361.
The actual output object looks like this: ```ts { address: string; body: { "expiration-time": string; "issued-at": string; "nonce": string; "uri": string; "web3-token-version": string; } } ``` But the type defined...
Hi! I was doing some tests to understand what would occur if the body of the message had been tampered and the attacker provided the same signature to the verify...
Hello to @bytesbay _We are using web3-token all the way since our team trying to do authenticate user on block chain in our project ,witch is a grate job!!,we'v tried...
Are there any plans to support Solana? I would be willing to contribute.
In a NextJS 12.0.4 app using Typescript, I am getting `npm run build` errors when I import the package like this: ``` import Web3Token from "web3-token"; ``` The error: ```...
https://github.com/bytesbay/web3-token/blob/94ac45b55f2d66632b6d3214b7f59551d313730d/dist/demo.html#L9 This line doesn't work. You can access it with `window['web3-token']` though. Here is the CDN link I use: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/web3-token.umd.min.js
Hi, how about using the `ethers` package to verify instead of `ethereumjs-util`. There are several benefits IMO ... - reduce package size and possible increase the performance - increase security...
I've tried to add SIWE format to the message but it's not working well with the library. Is there any workaround or willing to add this feature in the future?...
Hey @bytesbay, I like web3-token very much, and I am using it, would you consider adding a nonce check in verify, if the nonce is incorrect, verify will fail.
Hello, For some reasons, a few users of my app are facing an issue while verifying their tokens. As an example, this token `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` (which is being generated through my...