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Universal Utilities for Go
In Go chan design: a buffered channel with un-consumed data, still should be consumed after close. So change the channel's behavior.
### Operating System Arm71 Linux ### Go Version go1.17 ### Package Version 20230728082804 ### Affected Packages collection/skipmap ### Expected Behavior 在32位系统上运行正常。 ### Actual Behavior 在32位系统上运行时候,会报错:panic: unaligned 64-bit atomic operation。原因是使用了atomic.Load64(),在32位下操作64位数据不是原子的。 ###...
`save-state` and `set-output` commands used in GitHub Actions are deprecated and [GitHub recommends using environment files]( This PR updates the usage of `::set-output` to `"$GITHUB_OUTPUT"` Instructions for envvar usage from...
### Operating System Windows 10 ### Go Version 1.21 ### Package Version latest ### Affected Packages collection/zset ### Expected Behavior 使用zset(skiplist)时,发现其remove,incr, updateScore比想象中的慢非常多。 初步看了下cpu开销,发现lessthan的比较函数执行次数远高于 incr, zrem的复杂度M*log(N)的次数量级。 比如添加1w个元素耗时lessthan执行次数:**221038**,更新这1w个元素要lessthan执行次数: **98797380** 把测试数据增加到10w个,lessthan次数到:2748187, 等了很久都没等到10w个元素更新完成(手动停止了) ###...
### summary get task count for gopool.