Toast copied to clipboard
Version History
Version 2.0 - 07/02/2021
- Basic logging added
- Toast temp directory fixed to $ENV:\Temp$ToastGUID
- Removed unncessary User SID discovery as its no longer needed when running the Scheduled Task as "USERS"
- Complete re-write for obtaining Toast Displayname. Name obtained first for Domain User, then AzureAD User from the IdentityStore Logon Cache and finally whoami.exe
- Added "AllowStartIfOnBatteries" parameter to Scheduled Task
Version 1.2.105 - 05/002/2021
- Changed how we grab the Toast Welcome Name for the Logged on user by leveraging whoami.exe - Thanks Erik Nilsson @dakire
Version 1.2.28 - 28/01/2021
- For AzureAD Joined computers we now try and grab a name to display in the Toast by getting the owner of the process Explorer.exe
- Better error handling when Get-xx fails
Version 1.2.26 - 26/01/2021
- Changed the Scheduled Task to run as -GroupId "S-1-5-32-545" (USERS)
- When Toast_Notify.ps1 is deployed as SYSTEM, the scheduled task will be created to run in the context of the Group "Users"
This means the Toast will pop for the logged on user even if the username was unobtainable (During testing AzureAD Joined Computers did not populate (Win32_ComputerSystem).Username) - The Toast will also be staged in the $ENV:Windir "Temp$($ToastGuid)" folder if the logged on user information could not be found
- Thanks @CodyMathis123 for the inspiration via
Version 1.2.14 - 14/01/21
- Fixed logic to return logged on DisplayName - Thanks @MMelkersen
- Changed the way we retrieve the SID for the current user variable $LoggedOnUserSID
- Added Event Title, Description and Source Path to the Scheduled Task that is created to pop the User Toast
- Fixed an issue where Snooze was not being passed from the Scheduled Task
- Fixed an issue with XMLSource full path not being returned correctly from Scheduled Task
Version 1.2.10 - 10/01/21
- Removed XMLOtherSource Parameter
- Cleaned up XML formatting which removed unnecessary duplication when the Snooze parameter was passed. Action ChildNodes are now appended to ToastTemplate XML.
Version 1.2 - 09/01/21
- Added logic so if the script is deployed as SYSTEM it will create a scheduled task to run the script for the current logged on user.
- If the Toast script is deployed in the SYSTEM context, the script source is copied to a new folder in the users %TEMP% Directory. The folder is given a unique GUID name.
- A scheduled task is created for the current logged on user and is unique for the each time the Toast Script is deployed. Each scheduled task is named using the User SID and the unique Task GUID.
- If the script is deployed to the current logged on user, a scheduled task is not created and the script is run as normal.
Version 1.1 - 30/12/20
- Added a Snooze option (Use the -Snooze switch).
Version 1.0 - 22/07/20
Toast Notify
The "Toast Notify" solution will pop a notification toast from the system tray in Windows 10 (See Toast-Example.jpg). This project was born out of the desire for me to understand Toast Notifications better and seek to replace a 3rd party desktop notification solution. The titles, texts and action button are customisable via an XML document.
Toast_Notify.ps1 is a script designed to be deployed as a package from MEMCM. The "Set and forget" mentality of packages works really well because we don't need to specify a detection method once the script has run.
Toast_Notify.ps1 will read an XML file on a file share or from the same directory. If the XML is stored on a fileserver, the Toast Notifications can be changed "on the fly" without having to repackage the script. To create a custom XML, copy CustomMessage.xml and edit the text you want to display in the toast notification. Place the modified XML in the script directory or on a fileserver. Call your custom file using one of the script parameters below.
Points to Consider
I am using an existing app in Windows to call the Toasts. This script creates two buttons in the Toast, "Details" and "Dismiss". Cicking details is designed to take the user to an internal Service Desk announcement page. For that reason, MSEdge works really well because the Toast Action launches the browser in the foreground. Oh, you will need MSEdge installed on your client computers for this to work.
The following files should be present in the Script Directory when you create the package in MEMCM:-
HeroImage.jpg (364 x 180px, 3MB Normal Connection / 1MB Metered Connection)
More information and Toast Content guidelines can be found at:-
If you specify no parameter for XMLSource the script will read the CustomMessage.xml in the script root.
Specify the name of the XML file to read. The XML file must exist in the same directory as Toast_Notify.ps1. If no parameter is passed, it is assumed the XML file is called CustomMessage.xml.
Toast_Notify.ps1 -XMLSource "PhoneSystemProblems.xml"
Toast_Notify.ps1 -Snooze
Known Issues
-Images in the XML can only be read from the local file system. This is not an issue if we are deploying the package from MEMCM
-PowerShell Window flashes before Toast when deployed in SYSTEM context
Inspiration, Credit and Help
I welcome comments and feedback. Please fork repo to contribute