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Publish request completes after keep-alive ping message
Hi all, I'm working on evaluation of energy consumption for differnt IoT protocols and I'm currently using rumqtt implementation for MQTT tests.
Experiment setup
The setup of my experiment is the following:
- IoT device (Raspberry Pi 3b+) connected via cellular network establish connection with the broker, publish one message and disconnects.
- The same experiment is executed for different payload sizes (from 128 bytes to 512KB), each one repeated 30 times.
- The payload content is composed by a buffer of given size intialized with the value 127.
- The adopted QoS is 1 (AtLestOnce)
- The transport protocol adopted is TLS
- The broker code is the one of rumqttd/singlenode from the repository
Problem description
During my testing, due to some strange results, I noticed that for some payload sizes (e.g. 64 KB) the PublishAck expected by the client arrives only after a keep-alive message is sent from the client to the server, along with the PingResp from the server. In my case the keep-alive mechanism is set to a period of 5 seconds, so the execution time of the requests is affected by a considerable overhead. Looking at the system calls generated both by the client and the broker it seems that the delay is caused by the client that send the last part of payload jointly with the ping message, maybe due to some buffering of packets.
I've analyzed more in details the behavior and I found out that the requests run smoothly up to payload size of 45002 bytes. After suhch payload size the behavior is the following:
- From 45003 bytes to about 100KB the problem occurs every time
- For larger payloads the problem occurs randomly from time to time
I also encountered the same problem using the client on my PC, but in these cases the payload size generating the problem is different. Also, I have tried changing the broker implementation but the problem is still the same.
Note that the problem is related only to TLS, in the case of plain TCP the problem doesn't occur.
In my opinion, the problem is on the client side and is related to some configuration of the TLS connection and buffering somewhere in the code or network stack.
Have you ever encountered a similar problem ? What could be the cause of such delay ?
Hey, Thank you for the detailed explanation!
I was investing it further and noticed rustls docs have a field with max_fragment_size which by default sets limit of 2**16 ( 64KB ). This might have to do something with the issue you are facing?
Can you please provide more info like what version of rumqttd / rumqttc are you using and rumqttd.toml
file ( if applicable ), and what features you have enabled? Also it would be great if you can give a sample code snippet to recreate this behavior. This would help in further debugging.
buffering somewhere in the code or network stack
there is a chance of network config of OS being involved as the payload size which caused the issue is different or RPi and your PC. I'm not much experienced with this ( just learned about TCP MSS/MTU while tackling this issue haha )
Thank you!
Sure, thanks for your quick feedback.
I would rule out the broker configuration because with other client implementations the problem does not occur.
I have also noticed that the problem is strictly correlated with the physical network interface because I have just tried to send request via WiFi on my RPI the problem doesn't arise anymore, but on pc the problem is still there.
From the tracing of the system calls, it appears that a "writev" (which should be the system call to send the data on the socket) fails due to resource unavailability, waits for the "futex mechanism," and then, when the ping message is ready, sends the final part of the request jointly with the ping message (lines 234 - 252 of strace_pi.log).
The rumqttc version is 0.23.0 and for rumqttd is 0.18.0.
I attach the following files:
- strace_pi.log , system calls tracking log file
- , client code (txt extension just to upload it in the response ...)
- rumqttd.toml.txt, broker configuration (txt extension just to upload it in the response ...)
I report just the most important part of the code, the full code can be found attached.
mod custom_cert_verifier;
use std::{time::Duration, sync::Arc, u16};
use log::{info, error, debug, LevelFilter, warn};
use env_logger;
use rand::Rng;
use tokio;
use getopts::Options;
use rumqttc::{MqttOptions, TlsConfiguration, Transport, QoS, AsyncClient, Incoming, Event, Outgoing};
use rustls_native_certs::load_native_certs;
use custom_cert_verifier::SkipServerVerification;
use tokio_rustls::rustls::{ClientConfig, RootCertStore, Certificate};
async fn async_request(/* request params ...*/) -> Result<(), String>{
let mut options = MqttOptions::new(client_id, host, port);
if transport == "tcp" {
// TLS client configuration
let mut tls_client_config = if insecure {
// Skip server certificate verification
// Load trusted certificates
let mut root_cert_store = RootCertStore::empty();
for cert in load_native_certs().expect("Could not load platform certs") {
// TLS ALPN extension
let mut alpn: Vec<Vec<u8>> = Vec::new();
tls_client_config.alpn_protocols = alpn;
// Set transport protocol
options.set_max_packet_size(MAX_INCOMING_SIZE, MAX_OUTGOING_SIZE);
// Build client to handle connection
let (client, mut event_loop) = AsyncClient::new(options, 10);
// Publish/Subscribe
if message_type == "publish" {
.publish(topic, qos, false, message)
.expect("Publishing failed");
else {
.subscribe(topic, qos)
.expect("Subscription failed");
loop {
let event = event_loop.poll().await;
match &event {
Ok(event) => {
match event {
Event::Incoming(Incoming::PubAck(_message)) => {
info!("Published completed");
// Disconnect client
.expect("Disconnection failed");
Event::Incoming(Incoming::Disconnect) => {
error!("Disconnected by broker");
return Err("Connection closed by broker".to_string());
Event::Outgoing(Outgoing::Disconnect) => {
debug!("Disconnection request sent");
/* Other events ...*/
return Ok(());
I did try the code you shared, with only one change as I don't have to custom_cert_verifier, I used my own valid certificates:
let mut alpn: Vec<Vec<u8>> = Vec::new();
let ca = include_str!("../../ca.cert.pem");
let client_cert = include_str!("../../device1.cert.pem");
let client_key = include_str!("../../device1.key.pem");
let transport = Transport::Tls(TlsConfiguration::Simple {
ca: ca.into(),
alpn: Some(alpn),
client_auth: Some((client_cert.into(), Key::RSA(client_key.into()))),
and for me, even when I'm running broker and client locally, 8323060
this payload size leads to reproduce the issue!
I will try to debug it further and update you
also, one intresting thing I noticed is that, it's not about any activity, it has to be pingreq for some reason haha.
- publish that big message
- subscribe to a topic
- pingreq
Both pub and sub happenes only after pingreq!
You're right, I forgot to attach that file too!
I think your modification does not alter the problem, so you can continue with that code, in any case I will also share that file.
If I find out anything more I will inform you immediately.
Thanks for your help!
BTW, can you please once confirm if issue still exists if we use different brokers like hivemq or emqx, etc.?
I have carried out some tests using emqx broker and the same issues occured. The emqx broker I have used is the one from public docker image emqx/emqx with the following configuration:
node {
name = "emqx@your-hostname"
cookie = "your-secret-cookie"
data_dir = "data"
listeners.quic.default {
enabled = true
bind = ""
keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"
certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
ssl_options {
cacertfile = "etc/certs/cacert.pem"
certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
ciphers = []
client_renegotiation = true
depth = 10
enable_crl_check = false
fail_if_no_peer_cert = false
gc_after_handshake = false
handshake_timeout = 15s
hibernate_after = 5s
honor_cipher_order = true
keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"
log_level = notice
ocsp {
enable_ocsp_stapling = false
refresh_http_timeout = 15s
refresh_interval = 5m
reuse_sessions = true
secure_renegotiate = true
verify = verify_none
versions = [tlsv1.3]
listeners.ssl.default {
enabled = true
bind = ""
ssl_options {
keyfile = "etc/certs/key.pem"
certfile = "etc/certs/cert.pem"
cacertfile = "etc/certs/cacert.pem"
# Peer verification not enabled
verify = verify_none
listeners.tcp.default {
enabled = true
bind = ""
} {
enabled = false
listeners.wss.default {
enabled = false
log {
file_handlers.default {
level = debug
file = "opt/emqx/log/emqx.log"
# count = 10
max_size = 50MB
formatter = text
console_handler {
level = debug
formatter = text