Beomyong Lee

Results 16 comments of Beomyong Lee

I did "USE_PGXS=1 make install" to $AGHOME/contrib/hadoop_fdw. I did "jar cvf Hadoop_FDW.jar HadoopJDBCLoader.class HadoopJDBCUtils.class" to $AGHOME/lib/postgresql.

@Michael4713 In my case, i see Umlauts using the JDBC driver and the command line interface. Do you see Umlauts through the AgraphGraph interactive terminal(i.e. Agens)?

Is there hdfs_fdw in $AGHOME/contrib?

I set the HADOOP_FDW_CLASSPATH environment variable. The following is an example. `HADOOP_FDW_CLASSPATH=$AGHOME/lib/postgresql/hive-jdbc-$HIVE_VER-standalone.jar:$AGHOME/lib/postgresql/hadoop-common-$HADOOP_VER.jar:$AGHOME/lib/postgresql/Hadoop_FDW.jar` Additionally, $AGHOME is agensgraph home. $HIVE_VER is Hive version. $HADOOP_VER is Hadoop version

@n3xtchen How to rename the label: `ALTER VLABEL x RENAME TO y;` How to remove the label: `DROP VLABEL x CASCADE;`

Could you explain the execution environment? Does it occur in AgensBrowser?

It appears to be an AgensBrowser bug rather than an AgensGraph.

I have run Cypher with the latest version to reproduce, but I do not get error. Can you tell me which version You tested?

@zzl221000 Do you use the ResultSet.getArray() method?

@zzl221000 ResultSet.getArray() causes a problem with the graph data type. I think that I need to consider the array type of graph data. I will improve the ResultSet.getArray().