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OpenGLES 3.0从零开始,绘制点、线、三角形、立方体,相机实时预览等等实践学习

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> Task :app:lintDebug FAILED Lint found 1 errors, 13 warnings. First failure: /home/wsl/opensource/opengles4android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml:21: Error: A launchable activity must be exported as of Android 12, which also makes it available to...

anativewindow 只能输入长宽一样的图片吗?好像不一样就会乱码。。。

> NV21(实际上就是YUV420SP的格式)或者NV12(实际上就是YUV420P的格式) 1. 参考[FORUCC](定义,nv12和nv21同属于yuv420sp 2. 结合实际,此处应修正为YV12 3. 感谢输出优质文章!