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Sample page for neal-react with meteor 1.3 and webpack

neal-react Sample Page

This is a sample page for neal-react, reactjs components for building landing pages. This project is a port of neal-sample to meteor 1.3 and meteor-webpack.

Visit the Sample Page

Used packages

How customize some dependencies

  • Back to React 0.14.x
   $ npm remove react react-dom
   $ npm install react react-dom --save
  • Back to builtin meteor jQuery 1.11.2
   $ npm remove jquery --save
   $ rm -fr packages/meteor-jquery--module
   $ meteor
  • Reinstall previously removed jQuery 2.x.x


Develop locally

git clone
cd neal-sample-meteor
npm install


You can use meteor run, meteor build, mup or anything working with Meteor.

Run in production mode

meteor run --production

Build for production

meteor build .

Deploy with Meteor-up

mup deploy


You need to do those 3 steps to make it works with iOS or Android:

  1. Add the platform to your Meteor project

    meteor add-platform ios
    meteor add-platform android
  2. Allow access to your dev server in your /mobile-config.js file:

  3. Replace localhost by your local ip address in webpack.json.

If you have the libsass binding Error #17


  • Install nvm
  • install node 0.10 with nvm
cd neal-sample-meteor
nvm install 0.10
  • check installed node versions nvm ls
  • rebuild node-sass with same meteor node binary, 0.10
nvm use 0.10
npm rebuild node-sass
  • back to 'system', node 5.x and npm 3.x
nvm use system
