Cedric van Putten

Results 155 comments of Cedric van Putten

Hi all! Since there are two versions of "web export" current in Expo, I'll reply to the same question twice. ## Using `npx expo export:web` (Webpack) > ⚠️ Note, Expo's...

Hi all! Since this relates to functionality in Metro (the bundler), I think we have to file an issue there. There is not a lot we can do from Expo's...

Hi @wobsoriano! I'm glad you could make it work with Volta. If you still think this is an issue we should fix or support better, please open an issue on...

Hi all! Expo now supports `npm`, `yarn@1`, and `bun` without any additional setup. `yarn@2+` and `pnpm` requires additional setup for now: - pnpm requires a `.npmrc` file, containing `node-linker=hoisted` ([docs](https://pnpm.io/npmrc#node-linker))...

This is an issue upstream in React Native, see https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/43258. (cc @brentvatne)

Hi @drewboardman! What version of `expo-splash-screen` do you have installed locally? E.g. run `node --print "require('expo-splash-screen/package.json').version"` in the project root. It seems that you are using a very old version...

Hi all! Thanks for the report. The underlying issue has been fixed in expo/snack#559. You might need to create a new Snack though, e.g. https://snack.expo.dev/@bycedric/react-native-svg-example?platform=android.

Hi @sebastianrueckerai! Thanks for the report. I'm not sure if I follow, you mentioned the vscode debugger, CDP debugger (j in terminal), and react-native-debugger. These 3 projects are all different...

@brentvatne this is backported to `sdk-50` in https://github.com/expo/expo/commit/cce1316a9634daa2a5a3252f2960d6b7a8f32c23

What would the attack vector of these vulnerabilities be? We can take a look to see if we can update any vulnerable dependencies, but I highly recommend reading through this...