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Command line tools for verifying Arduino sketches, uploading them to boards, validating AUnit unit tests, and integrating with continuous integration platforms.

AUniter Command Line Tools and Continuous Integration for Arduino

The command line tool is a thin Unix bash shell wrapper around the Arduino IDE (1.8.X) or the Arduino CLI. It allows scripts to be written to automate various workflows that occur repeatedly when developing Arduino programs. (I do not know if the Arduino IDE 2.x is compatible with, but I suspect that it is not.)

The initial motivation was to automate the validation of unit tests written using the AUnit framework across multiple test files and multiple microcontrollers. However, when the EpoxyDuino library became functional enough to allow most (if not all) AUnit tests to be executed on a Linux desktop environment (and therefore able to run in the GitHub Actions continuous build infrastructure), the script became less useful as a test automation tool, but remained useful as a convenient command line wrapper for uploading the Arduino programs, and monitoring the serial output from the target microcontroller.

The script reads from a configuration file in INI file upon each execution. It defines a list of short and memorable aliases for the fully qualified board names (fqbn) which can be awkwardly long for some boards (e.g. ESP8266 or ESP32). Users can define target environments in the configuration file corresponding to specific hardware configurations described by its board alias and other parameters such as optional C preprocessor macros.

This package provides scripting abilities without converting to a vastly different build environment such as PlatformIO. The script uses the command line abilities built directly into the Arduino IDE itself or it can be told to use the Arduino CLI. Therefore, the script is able to support all boards, libraries, and build configurations which are supported by the Arduino IDE or CLI. There is no duplicate installs of boards and libraries.

There are 3 components to the AUniter package, of which 2 of them are obsolete, so the only remaining tool is the script:

  1. tools/
    • compile, upload, and monitor Arduino programs using a command line interface.
    • can automatically run and verify unit tests written using the AUnit testing framework
  2. Jenkins Integration (Obsolete)
    • provides Continuous Integration (CI) of unit tests upon changes to the source code repository.
    • depends on the described above.
    • As of v1.8 or so, I no longer use this integration because:
      1. the Arduino IDE is simply too slow, with some of my projects taking 1-2 hours to run through all the test suites,
      2. The Arduino-CLI tool cannot replace the Arduino IDE because its broken --build-properties flag, and,
      3. The Jenkins service is too brittle and cumbersome to maintain.
    • I recommend using the EpoxyDuino project to run unit tests on Linux, MacOS, or FreeBSD desktop machines.
  3. Badge Service (Obsolete)
    • runs on Google Cloud Functions
    • allows the locally hosted Jenkins system to update the status of the build, so that an indicator badge can be displayed on a source control repository like GitHub.
    • depends on the Jenkins Integration described above
    • As of v1.8 or so, I no longer use this service, because the Arduino IDE is too slow to handle the number of INO files that I needed to compile in my Continuous Integration pipeline. I may revisit this when Arduino-CLI fixes the broken parser of its --build-properties flag.

Here are some tasks that you can perform on the command line using the script. The following examples use the auniter alias for for conciseness (I personally use an alias au command for even more conciseness):

  • $ auniter envs
    • list the environments configured in the auniter.ini config file
  • $ auniter ports
    • list the available serial ports and devices
  • $ auniter verify nano Blink.ino
    • verify (compile) Blink.ino using the env:nano environment
  • $ auniter upload nano:/dev/ttyUSB0 Blink.ino
    • upload Blink.ino to the env:nano target environment connected to /dev/ttyUSB0
  • $ auniter test nano:USB0 BlinkTest.ino
    • compile and upload BlinkTest.ino using the env:nano environment, upload it to the board at /dev/ttyUSB0, then validate the output of the AUnit unit test
  • $ auniter test nano:USB0 BlinkTest/ ClockTest/
    • upload and verify the 2 unit tests (BlinkTest/BlinkTest.ino, ClockTest/ClockTest.ino) on the env:nano target environment connected on /dev/ttyUSB0
  • $ auniter upmon nano:USB0 Blink.ino
    • upload the Blink.ino sketch and monitor the serial port using a user-configurable terminal program (e.g. picocom) on /dev/ttyUSB0
  • $ auniter upfs esp32:USB0 data
    • upload the data directory as a LittleFS filesystem to the ESP32 on /dev/ttyUSB0

The script uses an INI file configuration file normally located at $HOME/.auniter.ini. It contains various user-defined configurations and aliases which look like this:

  monitor = picocom -b $baud --omap crlf --imap lfcrlf --echo $port

  uno = arduino:avr:uno
  nano = arduino:avr:nano:cpu=atmega328old
  leonardo = arduino:avr:leonardo
  promicro16 = SparkFun:avr:promicro:cpu=16MHzatmega32U4
  mega = arduino:avr:mega:cpu=atmega2560
  nodemcuv2 = esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2:CpuFrequency=80,FlashSize=4M1M,LwIPVariant=v2mss536,Debug=Disabled,DebugLevel=None____,FlashErase=none,UploadSpeed=921600
  esp32 = esp32:esp32:esp32:PartitionScheme=default,FlashMode=qio,FlashFreq=80,FlashSize=4M,UploadSpeed=921600,DebugLevel=none

  board = uno
  preprocessor = -DAUNITER_UNO

  board = nano

  board = promicro16
  locking = false

See sample.auniter.ini for a bigger example.

Version: 1.10.0 (2023-06-18)



  1. See AUniter Tools to install the command line tools.
  2. See AUniter Jenkins Integration to integrate with Jenkins. (Obsolete)
  3. See AUniter Badge Service to display the build status in the source repository. (Obsolete)

System Requirements

  • AUniter Tools require the following:
    • Linux
      • tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.10, 18.04, 20.04, 22.04
    • MacOS
      • somewhat tested on 10.14.6 (Mojave), 11 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey)
      • requires GNU coreutils
      • requires GNU gsed
    • Arduino IDE
      • tested on 1.8.5, 1.8.6, 1.8.7, 1.8.9, 1.8.13, 1.8.19
      • untested on 2.0, 2.1
  • AUniter Jenkins Integration requires the following:
    • AUniter Tools
    • AUnit (optional)
    • Jenkins Continuous Integration platform
    • Linux system (tested on Ubuntu 16.04, 17.10, 18.04)
  • AUniter BadgeService requires the following:

Windows is definitely not supported because the scripts require the bash shell. I am not familiar with Windows Subsystem for Linux so I do not know if it would work on that.


  • Teensyduino is not supported due to Issue #4.
  • Arduino-CLI has a broken parser for its --build-properties flag, so -D flags with a string does not work.
  • The is a bash script that has become far too complex. It should probably be rewritten in some other language, but other options may introduce their own issues:
    • Python is a good candidate. The language is simple and maintainable, but the Python packaging system is an incomprehensible mess. It is non-trivial to create a working Python3 environment.
    • Go language. Creates a single, statically linked binary, but it may be too low-level for something like
    • Perl seems like a great fit. But Perl has many convoluted syntax that make its programs look like modem noise. It tends to produce write-only, read-never, unmaintainable code that I have no tolerance for anymore.

Alternatives Considered

There are a number of other command line solutions for building and running Arduino programs. None of them had all the features that I wanted:

  • ability to define short board aliases (e.g. nodemcuv2) for long fully qualified board names (e.g. esp8266:esp8266:nodemcuv2:CpuFrequency=80,FlashSize=4M1M,LwIPVariant=v2mss536,Debug=Disabled,DebugLevel=None____,FlashErase=none,UploadSpeed=921600)
  • ability to upload an AUnit unit test to a target board, then validate the output of the serial port for success or failure of that unit test
  • ability to build and upload a single sketch against multiple boards
  • ability to build and upload multiple sketches (e.g. unit tests) to a single board
  • ability to define "environments" which include the board alias, and C preprocessor macros (PlatformIO has this)
  • support for continuous build and test interation (PlatformIO has this but is a paid feature)

However, I was inspired by various features of all of the following alternatives.

Arduino IDE Command Line

The Arduino IDE binary. supports a command line mode where the application runs in a headless mode and run commands given as flags. The script is essentially a giant wrapper around the Arduino IDE binary. The motivation for writing the wrapper was the following:

  • The Arduino IDE command line flags are long, cumbersome and hard to remember.
  • The Arduino IDE command line uses fully qualified board names (fqbn) which are sometimes incredibly long (e.g. ESP8266 and ESP32). I wanted to support user-defined board aliases.
  • The Arduino IDE command line does not know anything about unit tests written in AUnit. I wanted a single command that would upload and validate the unit test for success or failure.


The amake tool is very similar to It is a shell script that calls out to the Arduino command line.

There are a few features of amake that I found problematic for my purposes.

  • Although amake supports the concept of board aliases, the aliases are hardwired into the amake script itself. I felt that it was important to allow users to define their own board aliases (through the .auniter.ini dotfile).
  • amake saves the information about the most recent *.ino file and board type in a cache file named .amake in the current directory. This was designed to make it easy to compile and verify a single INO file repeatedly. However, is designed to make it easy to compile, upload, and validate multiple *.ino files, on multiple Arduino boards, on multiple serial ports.


The Arduino CLI is currently in alpha stage. I did not learn about it until I had built the AUniter tools. It is a Go Lang program which interacts relatively nicely with the Arduino IDE.

The --cli flag in will cause to use the Arduino CLI instead of the Arduino IDE instead. Some ugly hacks were required to support the -D macro=value flag because the Arduino CLI does not support this feature directly.


The Arduino-Makefile package provides a way to create traditional Makefiles and use the traditional make command line program to compile an Arduino sketch. On Ubuntu Linux, this package can be installed using the normal apt program as:

$ sudo apt install arduino-mk

It installs a dependency called arduino-core. Unfortunately, the version on Ubuntu is stuck at Arduino version 1.0.5 and the process for upgrading been stuck for years.

It is possible to configure Arduino-Makefile to use the latest Arduino IDE (but I have not looked into how easy or hard that would be).

The problem with Arduino-Makefile is that it seems to allow only a single board type target in the Makefile. Changing the target board would mean editing the Makefile. Since I wanted to be able to easily compile, upload and validate against multiple boards, the Makefile solution did not seem to be flexible enough.

The second problem with Arduino-Makefile is that I prefer to avoid Makefiles. I have used them in the past and find them difficult to debug and maintain. The appeal of the Arduino development is that it is simple to use, with few or no extraneous configuration files. I wanted to preserve that feature as much as possible.


PlatformIO is a comprehensive platform for IoT development. It is split into several components. The PlatformIO IDE is based on the Atom editor. The PlatformIO Core is a set of command line tools (written in Python mostly) that build, compile, and upload the code.

A given Arduino project is defined by the platformio.ini file, which is the equivalent to the Makefile. Unlike Arduino-Makefile, multiple embedded boards (e.g. Nano, ESP8266, ESP32) can be defined in a single platformio.ini file. Like a Makefile, the platformio.ini file allows finer-grained control of the various build options, as well as better control over the dependencies.

I think it would be feasible to integrate PlatformIO tools into a locally running Jenkins service like I did with However, I think it has some disadvantages.

  • It is a far more complex than the Arduino IDE, so the learning curve is longer.
  • It seems that the platformio.ini file must be created for every unit of compilation and upload, in other words, for every *.ino file. This seems to be too much overhead when a project has numerous AUnit unit test files, each of them being a separate *.ino file.
  • A new directory structure seems to be required for each *.ino file, with a separate lib/ and a src/ directory. Since every AUnit unit test is a separate *.ino file, the overhead for this directory structure seemed like too much work for a single unit test.

The platformio.ini files provide better isolation between *.ino files, but the overhead seem too much for me.

Arduino Builder

The Arduino Builder seems to be a collection of Go lang programs that provide command line interface for compiling Arduino sketches. However, I have not been able to find any documentation that describes how to actually to use these programs.


MIT License

Feedback and Support

If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests for this library, please use the GitHub Discussions for this project. If you have a bug report, please file a ticket in GitHub Issues. Feature requests should go into Discussions first because they often have alternative solutions which are useful to remain visible, instead of disappearing from the default view of the Issue tracker after the ticket is closed.

Please refrain from emailing me directly unless the content is sensitive. The problem with email is that I cannot reference the email conversation when other people ask similar questions later.
