Zhu Lijun

Results 24 issues of Zhu Lijun

大部分情况下我们需要的树形数据都很简单,所以我想在你的模块上提供一个默认实现(假如叫DefaultTree),关于持久化有两种想法 1、在模块内部实现持久化 在DefaultTree.Core中定义DefaultTreeEntity,实现IGeneralTree 在DefaultTree.EF中定义DBCotnext,其中定义DbSet 甚至继续提供应用服务TreeAppService、和一个通用的UI 2、模块中不处理持久化 在DefaultTree.Core中定义DefaultTreeEntity,实现IGeneralTree 在**主程序(也就是模块的使用方)**的DbContext去定义DbSet 前者这种方式如果我的系统有很多模块都涉及到持久化,那么我可能需要很多DbContext 后者这种方式感觉封装性不够强 请教下你有好的建议吗? 还是我哪想错了?

abp 9.x hangfire 1.8.x here:https://github.com/HangfireIO/Hangfire/issues?q=transactionscope The transactionscope is mentioned here, and it is speculated that Hangfire 1.8. x currently supports transactionscope, ABP's business methods, and whether the operation of adding...

### Describe the bug After the nodes are expanded in the table tree, a pop-up window is displayed, and all the expanded nodes are automatically closed ### Steps to reproduce...

``` protected string SendRequet(AipHttpRequest aipRequest) { return Utils.StreamToString(SendRequetRaw(aipRequest).ReadAsStreamAsync().Result, aipRequest.ContentEncoding); } ``` 这可能会引起死锁

The methods in grain are usually asynchronous and support cancellation. I have added the GrainCancellationToken parameter to many methods, which is quite cumbersome. Can we provide a GrainCancellationToken in RequestContext...

Needs: triage :mag:

windows server 2016 x64 nps 0.26.17 客户端在线数量93 启动时还好,时间长了就持续50% cpu占用率,这属于正常情况吗? 日志: 2024/02/18 22:56:22.736 [E] [http.go:257] EOF 2024/02/18 22:56:37.557 [E] [http.go:257] EOF 2024/02/18 22:56:41.266 [E] [http.go:257] EOF 2024/02/18 22:56:41.403 [E] [http.go:257] EOF...


### Feature request type Enhance component ### Component name DataGrid ### Is your feature request related to a problem? _No response_ ### Describe the solution you'd like add Dictionary property...


abp 9.x EfCoreAsyncQueryableExecuter ICancellationTokenProvider implementation of asynchronous cancel mode should be used, at the same time, also should check whether the underlying asynchronous method to implement the asynchronous cancel mode