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Sonoff WiFi sensor issue
What issue do you have? Please be as thorough and explicit as possible.
DW2 sensor not being recognized and always showing closed in Homekit. 2 channel Sonofff Dual switch works corrrectly. The DW2 works correctly in the ewelink app. It will also work for a short period if the homebridge is rebooted.
Details of your setup.
Do you use Homebridge (with config-ui?) or HOOBS? Homebridge
Which version of Homebridge/HOOBS do you have?
Which version of this plugin (homebridge-ewelink) do you have? Has the issue started since upgrading from a previous version? 10.4.0
Which eWeLink devices do you have that are causing issues? Please include product models if applicable.
Do you use your main eWeLink credentials or do you use a secondary eWeLink account for Homebridge? Sonoff DW2 Wifi
Please paste any relevant logs below.
[06/04/2023, 09:11:27] [eWeLink] Fetching devices from eWeLink home/id [My Home] [5ed215c6879f1700087fcb70].
[06/04/2023, 09:11:31] [eWeLink] LAN monitoring started.
[06/04/2023, 09:11:31] [eWeLink] [Camera] has not been added as it cannot be supported.
[06/04/2023, 09:11:31] [eWeLink] [Gate] initialising with options {"hideChannels":"0","inchChannels":"","inUsePowerThreshold":0,"logging":"standard","showAs":"default"}.
[06/04/2023, 09:11:32] [eWeLink] [Gate] initialised and found locally with IP [] [2:0285].
[06/04/2023, 09:11:32] [eWeLink] [Gate] initialising with options {"logging":"debug","lowBattThreshold":25,"showAs":"default"}.
[06/04/2023, 09:11:32] [eWeLink] [Gate] initialised and LAN mode unavailable as not discovered/supported [154:DW2-Wi-Fi-L].
[06/04/2023, 09:11:34] [eWeLink] ✓ Setup complete. Interested in sponsoring this plugin?
Config file
"name": "eWeLink",
"username": "*****************",
"password": "******************",
"mode": "auto",
"language": "en",
"multiDevices": [
"label": "Gate",
"deviceId": "100146f785",
"deviceModel": "dual_dualr2",
"showAs": "default",
"hideChannels": "0"
"sensorDevices": [
"label": "Sensor",
"deviceId": "10016c8565",
"deviceModel": "dw",
"showAs": "default",
"overrideLogging": "debug"
"platform": "eWeLink"
have issue with DW2-Wi sensor. I can see device in eWeLink and also status, but I dont see this door sensor in HomeKit. All the other switches etc. I see in the HomeKit. Im using HOOBS In the bridege I enable debug logging and see this
- 2023, 10:07:11eWeLink BridgeeWeLinkInitialising plugin v10.4.0 | System linux | Node v16.20.0 | HB v1.6.0 | HAPNodeJS v0.11.0...
- 2023, 10:07:11eWeLink BridgeeWeLinkPlugin initialised. Setting up accessories....
- 2023, 10:07:11eWeLink BridgeBridge is running on port 51826.
- 2023, 10:07:13eWeLink BridgeeWeLinkFetching devices from eWeLink home/id [My Home] [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx].
- 2023, 10:07:17eWeLink BridgeeWeLinkLAN monitoring started.
- 2023, 10:07:17eWeLink BridgeeWeLink[Door] initialising with options {"logging":"standard","lowBattThreshold":25,"showAs":"default"}.
- 2023, 10:07:17eWeLink BridgeeWeLinkWARNING[Door] has been reported [offline] via WS.
- 2023, 10:07:17eWeLink BridgeeWeLink[Door] initialised and LAN mode unavailable as not discovered/supported [102:DW2-Wi-Fi].
- 2023, 10:07:17eWeLink BridgeeWeLinkInternal API listening on port [36059].
- 2023, 10:07:19eWeLink BridgeeWeLink✓ Setup complete. Have time to give this plugin a review? https://bit.ly/hb-ewelink-review
Any suggestion what could be wrong ?
Thank you