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Python library for use with Viptela API


Python library for use with Viptela vManage API.
Requires requests

Build Status Coverage Status


Viptela is an SD-WAN vendor with a solid rest API. The API is documented on the vManage host and can be found by going to https://vmanage-hostname:port/apidocs. Additional API documentation can be found on the viptela site support portal (login required)


cd ~/envs
virtualenv viptela-test
source viptela-test/bin/activate
pip install

Instantiate a connection to a vManage device

from viptela.viptela import Viptela
v = Viptela(user='admin', user_pass='admin', vmanage_server='')

Call methods

devs = v.get_all_devices()

Returned Result

All methods return a Result named tuple with the requests.json() data in the data element.
The complete requests.response object is stored in the response element

Result(ok=True, status_code=200, error='', reason='Success', data={}, response=<Response [200]>)