cysgp4 copied to clipboard
A wrapper around the SGP4 package, for sat TLE calculations
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|License-GPL| |License-Apache| |License-BSD3|
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|PyPI Badge| |PyPI Downloads|
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|Conda-Version| |Conda-Platforms-Badge| |Conda-Downloads-Badge|
- Version: 0.3.6
- Lead author/package maintainer: Benjamin Winkel
- Contributor(s): Gyula I.G. Józsa
on GitHub <>
__ -
Bug tracker:
on GitHub <>
__ -
User manual:
stable <>
__ |developer <>
Project Status
.. container::
|Azure Status|
The cysgp4
package is a Cython <>
-powered wrapper
of the sgp4lib <>
library (by Daniel Warner) to
compute satellite positions from two-line elements (TLE).
It provides similar functionality as the well-known sgp4 <>
_ Python package (by Brandon Rhodes), which
uses Numba <>
_ internally to speed-up the
calculations. In contrast to sgp4
_, cysgp4
can work well with arrays of
TLEs and/or times and make use of multi-core platforms (via OpenMP) to boost
processing times a lot.
We highly recommend to use cysgp4
with the Anaconda Python distribution <>
_, in which
case installiation is as easy as ::
conda install -c conda-forge cysgp4
Otherwise, you should install cysgp4 via pip
python -m pip install cysgp4
The installation is also possible from source. Detailed installation instructions <>
can be found in the user manual.
We kept the dependencies as minimal as possible. The following packages are required:
Python 3.8
or later -
numpy 1.20
or later
If you want to run the notebooks yourself, you will also need the Jupyter
server and install matplotlib. To run the tests, you'll need sgp4 <>
Note, for compiling the C-extension, OpenMP is used for parallelization. If you use gcc, for example, you should have at least version 4.8 otherwise the setup-script may fail. Again, see Detailed installation instructions
more information.
Using cysgp4 is possible via an object-oriented interface or with a fast numpy-array functional approach. The former works like this:
.. code-block:: python
import cysgp4
# Define a date/time and an observer
pydt = cysgp4.PyDateTime.from_mjd(58805.57)
lon_deg, lat_deg = 6.88375, 50.525
alt_km = 0.366
obs = cysgp4.PyObserver(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_km)
# Define satellite properties/orbit via two-line element string (TLE)
hst_tle = cysgp4.PyTle(
'1 20580U 90037B 19321.38711875 .00000471 00000-0 17700-4 0 9991',
'2 20580 28.4699 288.8102 0002495 321.7771 171.5855 15.09299865423838',
# Create a satellite object for querying coordinates
sat = cysgp4.Satellite(hst_tle, obs, pydt)
sat.eci_pos().loc # ECI cartesian position, km
(5879.5931344459295, 1545.7455647032068, 3287.4155452595)
sat.eci_pos().vel # ECI cartesian velocity, km/s
(-1.8205895517672226, 7.374044252723081, -0.20697960810978586)
sat.geo_pos() # geographic (geodetic) position, lon/lat/alt
<PyCoordGeodetic: 112.2146d, 28.5509d, 538.0186km>
sat.topo_pos() # topocentric position, az/el/dist/dist_rate
<PyCoordTopocentric: 60.2453d, -35.6844d, 8314.5683km, 3.5087km/s>
# One can change time to determine positions at another moment
sat.mjd += 1 / 720. # one minute later
<PyCoordTopocentric: 54.8446d, -38.2749d, 8734.9195km, 3.4885km/s>
In many cases, however, one probably wants to calculate coordinates for a
(large) number of satellites, observer locations, and/or observing times. For
this, the function ~cysgp4.propagate_many
is useful. This is an array
interface to the sgp4 calculations, which allows to perform calculations for
different satellite TLEs, observers and times in a parallelized manner.
broadcasting rules <>
_ apply:
.. code-block:: python
import requests
import numpy as np
from cysgp4 import PyTle, PyObserver, propagate_many
# Download many TLEs from a website
url = ''
ctrak_science = requests.get(url)
all_lines = ctrak_science.text.split('\\r\\n')
# Need to convert them to a list of tuples (each tuple consisting
# of the three TLE strings)
tle_list = list(zip(*tuple(
all_lines[idx::3] for idx in range(3)
# Create an array of PyTle and PyObserver objects, and MJDs
tles = np.array([
PyTle(*tle) for tle in tle_list
])[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :20] # use first 20 TLEs
observers = np.array([
PyObserver(6.88375, 50.525, 0.366),
PyObserver(16.88375, 50.525, 0.366),
])[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
mjds = np.linspace(
58805.5, 58806.5, 1000 # 1000 time steps
)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
# The result is a dictionary
result = propagate_many(mjds, tles, observers)
dict_keys(['eci_pos', 'eci_vel', 'geo', 'topo'])
# Returned array shapes are as follows; last array dimension
# contains the coordinate pairs.
print(np.broadcast(mjds, tles, observers).shape)
(1000, 2, 20)
print(result['eci_pos'].shape, result['topo'].shape)
(1000, 2, 20, 3) (1000, 2, 20, 4)
# One can also skip over coordinate frames.
result = propagate_many(
mjds, tles, observers,
do_eci_pos=False, do_eci_vel=False, do_geo=False, do_topo=True
More use-cases and tutorials
Check out the user manual <>
_ or the
Jupyter tutorial notebooks <>
in the repository for further examples of how to use cysgp4
. Note that you
can only view the notebooks on GitHub, if you want to edit something
it is necessary to clone the repository or download a notebook to run it on
your machine.
Who do I talk to?
If you encounter any problems or have questions, do not hesitate to raise an issue or make a pull request. Moreover, you can contact the devs directly:
itself is published under GPL v3 <>
, an open-source license. The package
is a Cython <>
-powered wrapper of the sgp4lib <>
_ library (by Daniel Warner) to compute
satellite positions from two-line elements (TLE). The sgp4lib source code is
licensed under Apache-2.0 license <>
The package is partly based on the Astropy-affiliated package template <>
, which is under BSD 3-clause <>
.. |PyPI Badge| image:: :target: :alt: PyPI tag
.. |PyPI Downloads| image:: :target: :alt: PyPI - Downloads
.. |License-GPL| image:: :target: :alt: License-GPL3
.. |License-Apache| image:: :target: :alt: License-Apache
.. |License-BSD3| image:: :target: :alt: License-BSD3
.. |Conda-Version| image:: :target: :alt: conda-forge platforms: Version on conda-forge
.. |Conda-Platforms-Badge| image:: :target: :alt: conda-forge platforms: linux-64, osx-64, win-64
.. |Conda-Downloads-Badge| image:: :target: :alt: conda-forge downloads
.. |Azure Status| image:: :target: :alt: cysgp4's Azure Pipelines Status