Benjamin Winkler
Benjamin Winkler
You can also also pass an arg to `this.MULTI` that becomes the key of the result. (Sorry didn't knew that.)
Or [node-glob]( `Minimatch` is the just the matcher, while `glob` operates on the filesystem and returns actual filenames instead of regexes. It uses `minimatch` internally. Maybe the `readDir` part in...
``` glob = require 'glob' pattern = "**" options = ignore: ["**/*.json", "node_modules/**"] nodir: yes # only files glob pattern, options, (err, matches) -> console.log matches ``` This returns all...
Sorry for not doing anything. Currently I'm not doing android stuff, but I will get back to this.
Hi. I'm also looking forward for PG Build support. You need an AdobeID or just sign in to PGB with yout Github account. Then go to and just link...
@poiuytrez If it's just about the Account, then I can do it.
@poiuytrez there are 2 changes that have to be made to enable PGBuild support: ## 1. change license-name in plugin.xml the PGBuild config parser doesn't recognize it, if it's not...
Just FYI: last (and only) time I submitted a plugin to PGBuild I think it took 4+ weeks till they reviewed it...
@poiuytrez: Any ideas for a new plugin id? I know it's a PITA... What about "com.smartmobilesoftware.androidinappbilling" ? When we have a new id, we should bump the version to 3.0.2...
@poiuytrez sorry for the late reply. I am really busy at the moment. > Could you handle the rename and test it? The rename was already in the PR, it's...