Brenton M. Wiernik

Results 872 comments of Brenton M. Wiernik

We can also consider an alias `geom_raincloud`. I Can take a look at the existing geoms

The big issue with ggdist (which I love dearly) is its tidyverse dependencies. We could consider helping to reduce those if @mjskay would be interested in that sort of contribution.

@mattansb It would be really cool to support analytic uncertainty distribution visualizations with bayestestR.

Ala --so add methods for the various posterior visualizations in bayestestR for frequentist/MLE models using analytic distributions

ggdist already has done much of that work, for example, I use `stat_dist_slabinterval()` often in my work. I'm thinking adding something like `plot.see_dist_ci()` that would produce a confidence distribution visualization...

We could switch the dependency to ggdist. It would give us a lot more flexibility, especially for analytic distributions

This shows dots when I run it. Can you save an image output on your system and upload it here? ![image](

Love it! Could you allow the function to take multiple strings in `...` and then put new strings on new indented lines? e.g., ``` warning(format_message("Looks like you are using 'poly()'...

I am planning on moving my intro regression course over to using easystats for the fall semester. I would love to work on a vignette/paper like this over the summer...

The one major thing I would like to see that's ML-related in easystats would be easier access to train-test and k-fold cross validation workflows. This is currently quite hard to...