C64-250407-Replica-KiCad copied to clipboard
The C64 250407 replica
A replica of the Commodore 64 250407 1983 mother board, and the schematics.
The replica project was started by Michael K. (Der Alte Bastler) in 2019 to learn SprintLayout and the process of reverse engineering PCB. I finished it, importet it in KiCad, imported the KU motherboard schematics and modified it to match the 250407 Reb.B schematics.
The board has been prototyped, and tested by me and Langwell Cowan.
We are not the first to reverse engineer this board, but we are the first to share the design files online I think.
Please see the BOM file.
The interactive bom html page is useful for assembling the board and finding signal traces by using a web browser. Try it here. For a BOM for ordering parts see the BOM above.
Download the PDF file 250407_.pdf for a high quality schematics. Checkout this tweet by Paul Rickards where he plots the KU motherboard schematics KU-14194HB :-)
Change log
- 2022-08-18: Schematics V1.2: symbol and ERC fixes (Pull request from Gabriele Gorla/GGLABS)
- 2020-06-19: PCB and schematics V1.1: First release
- 2020-04-22: PCB and schematics V1.0: Prototype
Part 1-4:
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Copyright Bwack 2021
This documentation describes Open Hardware and is licensed under the CERN OHL v. 1.2.
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