Bruno Virlet
Bruno Virlet
We may want to change the accessibility of a given keychain item. However, the only way to do this currently with SAMKeychain is to use the class method `[SAMKeychain accessibilityType]`....
I have the following project structure using Tuist "deprecated" dependency management: ``` App1 -> Internal framework (as a target dependency, not a Swift Package) App2 -> Internal framework (ditto) Internal...
I haven't found anywhere a way to specify a custom DerivedData folder for tuist. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
## Context 🕵️‍♀️ I need to run a TargetAction on a framework (lipo) after the frameworks have been embedded, but before the frameworks are signed. ## What 🌱 If I...
I'd like to be able to increase the AWSNetworking underlying NSURLSessionConfiguration httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost value. iOS sets it by default to 4. I'd like to be able to increase it. The use...
This file is missing nullability annotations. Having them would make the integration of this SDK more robust.
# Repro steps - Try to login with Evernote (`ENSession.shared.authenticate(with:preferRegistration:completion:)`) - A login view controller is presented by the Evernote SDK - Tap on _Continue with Google_ - Observe error:...
# Repro steps - Try to login with Evernote (`ENSession.shared.authenticate(with:preferRegistration:completion:)`) - A login view controller is presented by the Evernote SDK - Swipe down to dismiss this screen - Try...
C'est très compliqué d'éditer les réponses afin de pouvoir voir l'impact de telle ou telle modification. A chaque fois qu'on édite la réponse, on revient au résultats.