Benedikt Venn
Benedikt Venn
**Description** Pearson's chi-squared test allows the determination if two distributions differ from each other. If an expected value is below 5, a correction for small numbers should be made. -...
### Description Autocorrelation describes the correlation of data with itself but shifted. It helps identifying randomness or time dependent patterns. The autocorrelation in `Correlation` module lacks in proper [documentation]( and...
### Description Some modules in _FSharp.Stats.ML.Unsupervised_ are not part of the project. The outdated dependencies have to be updated for reintegration. - [ ] DensityClustering.fs - [x] GapStatistics.fs - [x]...
**Found a problem with existing documentation?** The reference to the histrogram in the Fasta documentation is incorrect. The referenced value `value:lengthHisto1` does not exist.
**Describe the bug** For gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) fishers exact method is applied to analyse over-, or under representated groups. The method is based on multiple hypergeometric distribution tests....
After network modules are identified the 'average signal profile' can be identified by calculating the modules eigengene. It would be a handy addition to investigate the structure of module. >...
FSharp.Stats already supports the KNN imputation via `FSharp.Stats.ML.Impute.kNearestImpute`. The current implementation takes the k nearest neighbors and computes the average of these at the index of interest. This average replaces...
### Description >The signed rank test currently is only an approximation for large values (see There is a valid wilcoxon distribution that is quite expensive to calculate. Nevertheless it...
### Description A proper explanation/tutorial for handling chi-squared-tests is missing. There seems to be at least [three versions of the Chi-Square test]( existing: - distribution test - independence test -...
### Description Documenting your code with XML documentation has the huge benefit of a structured preview and concise description in the automated API reference: ### Current triple slash documentation ```fsharp...