Benedikt Venn
Benedikt Venn
One possible approximation of the PDF is via the gamma function (p. 410). As defined in 26.4.19 it is: `PDF = incomplete gamma / gamma` while `v=2a` and `x²=2x`. That...
I like your suggestion and think this modification gives a boost in efficiency and accuracy of LM optimization. The renaming of `LevenbergMarquardt` into `LM` is in line with optimizations in...
However, we should update the Fitting and Growth curve documentation after this.
Dunnetts q distribution is necessary for implementation. Since this is not trivial it may be sufficient to cover distinct alpha levels and use q-value tables for analysis, instead of implementing...
Additional references for exact p value calculation: - New Tables for Multiple Comparisons with a Control, C. W. Dunnett, Biometrics , Sep., 1964, Vol. 20, No. 3 (Sep., 1964), pp....
Dunnetts test was implemented with unit tests and documentation. A table for two sided tests with a significance threshold of 0.05 is provided and should be extended for a higher...
Currently there is no implementation of `calculateSumOfSquares` for multivariate regression available. I think the function could either be generalized to accept multi-dimensional input (`calculateSumOfSquares (fitFunc: 'T -> float) (xData :...
The current structure has emerged from our every-day data analysis work and was influenced by the chronological order it was implemented. I absolutely agree that a generic function is missing...
Hi @AnthonyLloyd, thanks for reaching out! This seems to be exactly what we aimed for regarding MKL integration. Seems like we can profit big time from your work in MKL.NET...
The signed rank test currently is only an approximation for large values (see There is a valid wilcoxon distribution that is quite expensive to calculate. Nevertheless it is required...