这边将repeat次数从100调整到了1000,其次在cycleScrollView隐藏的时候调用pauseScroll接口,里面重置当前显示的cell位置,可以尽可能避免到边界无法滑动情况。可以参考该demo:https://github.com/buvtopcc/CCPagerView Inspire by SDCycleScrollView,reserve basic function, make it more simple use.
You can try this replaced scheme, leave me message if you meet any issues. https://github.com/buvtopcc/CCPagerView My project also use this for long times, but follow-up maintain is very low frequent...
> @mjdaugbjerg By the way, the crash is CPU almost 100% and memory size endless increasing. You can try this replaced scheme. https://github.com/buvtopcc/CCPagerView My project also use this for long...