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Document Elvie Trainer protocol
I expected it to use NOTIFY, but doesn't seem to. Instead, this reads the pressure in a loop. Maybe the pressure info is wider than a single byte, but this seems to work (byte 5 (6th) of the byte array you get back), outputting a range approx 9-21:
from bluepy.btle import Peripheral, UUID
p = Peripheral(sys.argv[0]) # MAC of your Elvie
svc = p.getServiceByUUID(UUID("0a09fff0-dcac-7001-ed03-030502030401"))
ch = svc.getCharacteristics(UUID("0a09fff1-dcac-7001-ed03-030502030401"))[0]
while True:
Waking up the device to connect seems to require a few squeezes, I'm not sure. Needs a few retries to get it connected...