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:fishing_pole_and_fish: 3rd-party archive importer for Buttercup

Results 26 buttercup-importer issues
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Hi, today I installed the latest version and tried to import JSON file exported from BitWarden. It fails with the following error ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3791124/66732633-fb2dde80-ee5c-11e9-9e75-49a9468565fe.png) I have the latest version of BitWarden...

Priority: High
Status: Available
Type: Bug

I'm trying to import from a 1Password 1pif file, but the OTP entries are not being brought across. I have checked and they are in the 1pif file. I'm quite...

Hi, after some time I gave a second shot to Buttercup and found that it still inherit plenty of issues with importing 1password data. Last time I tried it was...

After several minutes import fails with the following error: > Failed importing: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an...

Synopsis: OS thinks UI is frozen during long-running import and force quits before import completes. I'm trying to import a large-ish 1password "1pif" file--about 2000 logins from websites I've visited...

Hi. I was not able to find any existing issue, so I'm filing a new one: When exporting my vault, which contains a single group, with a single 'Note' entry,...

Priority: High
Status: Available
Type: Bug

Hi there, I was trying to import my exported (to csv) KeePassXC db to Buttercup through the csv import option but ended up with the following: I'm not sure if...

Hi! Thanks, as always, for software I have a use case for you... Tonight I wanted to update my vault password It seems this is non-trivial I presume I have...

Status: Available
Type: Bug

W10 Pro _x64 1709 b16299.125 BC 1.0.1 ![import failed](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13611490/35911061-03991582-0bf9-11e8-8af4-77740b65b6c3.PNG) The structure of the CSV from Enpass ![csv structure](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13611490/35911270-a3c341fe-0bf9-11e8-9b94-774745ba1994.png)

1Password 7 exports passwords to .csv and .txt file not .1pif format as 1Password 4. [link](https://support.1password.com/export/) I didn't find any way to import these files to Buttercup or convert it...

Effort: Medium
Priority: Medium
Status: Available
Type: Enhancement