Can `sxhkd` let us execute commands on the press-and-release of a key, which the program considers a modifier, while also allowing us to use it as a modifier? Say I...
EXWM-Edit doesn’t paste back into an X window if its title changed after invocation. By default, EXWM only titles windows by process name, but it’s useful to have, say, your...
Is there a way to flip the feed into a reverse-chronological order (in the Elfeed-Search mode)? I can't find anything for this in §'Filter syntax' in the README. If we...
`other-window-prefix` (`C-x 4 4`) isn’t programmed to work if the next command spawns a graphical window; this is sensible as most people don’t run EXWM. I was wondering if EXWM...
Steps to reproduce ------------------ Launch the app. Expected Output --------------- The app’s launched Actual Output ------------- Window appears for a couple seconds detailing an error, and then crashes. Calling it...
I hate to be so vague with the title, but ‘org-transclusion’ always errors out and the backtrace is incomprehensible to me. ``` emacs-lisp (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil) org-transclusion-content-org-buffer-or-element(t (:link "[[file:20240826193608-find_command.org::Plan 9...