revalidation copied to clipboard
Add recipes section to the docs
Due to the fact that Revalidation doesn't handle every specific case, but rather tries to focus on two things: local state management and synchronous validation, there should be a recipe section explaining how to approach certain situations. See #14 and #15 for example.
I really appreciate the work you are doing on this. It is by far the easiest form validation package for react. One situation I am running into is I like the instantValidation, but some of the validation rules don't give the user a chance before warning them of an error I.E. validEmail or isLengthGreaterThan. Is there a way to ValidateAll on submit, and then have instantValidation. Right now I can only get it to work only on Submit, or instantValidation.
Thank you for the feedback!
Just for the info: there is still some development happening with the forms, I think I will be releasing version 0.10 tomorrow. You can keep track via the 0.10
So if I understand correctly: Validation should only occur when the field has been touched?
Doesn't the first example (Basic) cover the case?
It only validates the field once it's changed and validates all on submit. Or could this be solved via
onChange`? Letting the user finish typing and then validate that field.
Or is there something I'm overseeing here?
Ok, I think I understand the problem. Will think about how to to tackle the problem efficiently.