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My Linux dotfiles
My Linux dotfiles
I featured my desktop here (r/i3wm subreddit). I'd be happy that you upvote it !
How to install
Recursive clone is needed for polybar config to be installed!
Required packages
- i3-gaps
- polybar
- picom-tryone
- pywal + colorz (
pip3 install ...
) - feh
- rofi
- python3 + python3-pip
- spotipy (pip3)
- pulseaudio
- maim
- xclip
- xdotools
- kitty
- ffmpeg
- xrandr
- wget
Recommended packages
- zsh - ohmyzsh
Required modifications for polybar-spotify
(If you don't want the Spotify module, remove spotify sp-previous sp-next
in the config.ini
To make this module working, you should have a declared app in Spotify's developer dashboard to obtain a Client ID
How to do it :
As I said, the first thing is to create a Client ID (Create a Client ID
button) on Spotify's developer dashboard.
Type your app's name in the App or Hardware name
text field, and its description on the App or Hardware description
text field. In the What are you building ?
section, indicate the platform which you are building the app for, then click on the NEXT
button. Answer to the commercial integration question, and continue. If necessary, fill the form and check all the boxes at the 3rd stage and you're ready to go. Your app is declared in Spotify's developer dashboard !
Now that you have your app, you have some modifications to do in one file : scripts/
Edit those values :
by your Client ID available on your app's panel, -
by yourClient Secret
available by clicking on theShow Client Secret
button situated on the same webpage as your client ID, -
by your Spotify Username. (How to find it?)
Let's go back in our app's panel. Click on the green Edit settings
button situated on the top of the page, then in the Redirect URIs
text field, add http://localhost/
. ATTENTION : this field is case sensitive, you should IMPERATIVELY write the exact same thing ! Then click on the SAVE
button on the very bottom of the form. Your app is declared and ready to use !
Now it's time to test your changes. Run the
(in scripts
folder). If your credentials are good, you're ready to rock. If they're not, check and edit them.
Now that the script is working, you have to tell your OS to run the
every hour.
We're going to do this with crontab
, but use whatever method you want, as long as it runs the script every hour.
Run this command : crontab -e
, then choose your favorite text editor (just follow the instrictions).
Now that you're in the file, add this line at the bottom of it : @hourly ~/.config/polybar/scripts/
(change the script location if needed).
Run it once to make sure that everything works, if it does, the setup is finished. You can now use this polybar config !
(Tip / reminder : launch polybar using the
script located in ~/.config/polybar
(the location may not be the same as yours depending of your configuration).
- Rofi-spotlight by manilarome
- Polybar theme template by adi1090x
- rofi-menus by vahnrr
- Glasscord by AryToNeX
- NowPlaying for Spotify by me
Check busybox11/spotify-polybar to install only my polybar config with my Spotify module.