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Powerful, Secure, Multi-threaded Flux Patterns.

Powerful, Secure, Multi-threaded Flux Patterns.

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If application state management is performed by an application thread, the responsiveness of the application may be impaired. There is also a risk that the application itself will manipulate the state.

The application keep responsiveness by delegating state management to the Worker. It also eliminates the risk of direct manipulation of the state.


Create Store

In Businessman, only the states manipulated by dispatching are sent to the main thread. Because the data size between threads affects performance.

In short, Businessman only has one small state in one store.

The store is defined as follows.

import { worker } from 'businessman'

worker.addStore( {
	type: 'counter',
	state: 0,
	actions: {
		increment( commit, num = 1 ) {
			commit( 'increment', num )
	mutations: {
		increment( state, num ) {
			return state += num
	getters: {
		absolute(state) {
			return Math.abs( state )
} )


Type is a string that is the identity of the store. This needs to be unique.

type: 'counter'


Save the state of the store. Any type can be used for the state.

state: 0


Execute the mutation. Asynchronous processing can be placed on the action.

Pass the mutation name to the function of the first argument of the action. The payload is provided from the second argument.

increment( commit, num = 1 ) {
	commit( 'increment', num )

If the third argument of commit is false, it does not provide state.

In this case, the state passed to the subscriber is null.

increment( commit, num = 1 ) {
	commit( 'increment', num, false )


Change the state. After that, the new state is automatically notified to the main thread.

It will receive the current state and payload and return the new value.

The state is changed and the main thread is notified.

increment( state, num ) {
	return state += num


  • Do not place asynchronous processing on mutations.


Getters gets state by calculation.

absolute(state) {
	return Math.abs( state )

An option is provided for the second argument, and another Getter is provided for the third argument.

absolute( state, options, getters ) {
	// state: Current state
	// options: Some option
	// getters: All Getters in this store

Default getters

A default getter default that returns self-state is provided.

You do not need to add getters if you just want to return your self-state.

Create Manager

Mutation and action belong to one store.

If you want to dispatch to multiple stores at the same time, you can use the manager.

It can be registered using worker.addManager().

import { worker } from 'businessman'

worker.addManager( {
	type: 'countUpMessage',
	handler( stores, num = 1 ) {
		stores.counter.dispatch( 'increment', num )
		stores.message.dispatch( 'update', `${num} has been added to the counter` )
} )

Call operate() with manager type and payload specified.

import { operate } from 'businessman'

operate( 'countUpMessage', 1 )

Start worker

Call worker.start() to start a worker.


When added to the source of the Create Store as shown earlier, it becomes as follows.

import { worker } from 'businessman'

worker.addStore( {
	type: 'counter',
	state: 0,
	actions: {
		increment( commit, num = 1 ) {
			commit( 'increment', num )
	mutations: {
		increment( state, num ) {
			return state += num
	getters: {
		absolute(state) {
			return Math.abs( state )
} )


Install worker

Install workers and start state management.

import { install } from 'businessman'

install( '/path/to/worker.js' )


  • Workers need to be converted for browsers with arbitrary compiler.

On initialization

By subscribing 'INIT' you can receive notification of installation.

Receives an array of store and manager types as payload.

import { subscribe } from 'businessman'

subscribe( 'INIT', data => {
	console.log( data ) // { stores: [...], managers: [...] }
} )

Dispatch and Subscribe

import { dispatch, subscribe } from 'businessman'

dispatch( 'counter', 'increment', 1 )

subscribe( 'counter', state => {
	console.log( state ) // 1
} )


You can stop / delete subscribe.

import { unsubscribe } from 'businessman'

unsubscribe( 'counter' ) // Delete all listeners subscribing to the store
unsubscribe( 'counter', listener ) // Delete one listener


In Businessman getState() is also executed asynchronously.

import { getState } from 'businessman'

// Get state with `default` getter
getState( 'counter' )
.then( state => {
	console.log( state )
} )

// You can also specify Getter.
getState( 'counter', 'absolute' )
.then( state => {
	console.log( state )
} )


getState() can only get the state of one store.

To get the state of all stores, use getAllState().

import { getAllState } from 'businessman'

.then( state => {
	console.log( state )
} )

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