alphavantager copied to clipboard
av_get returns data in the form of error when getting exchange rates
EDIT: made a mistake, updated my comments
This is weird. This code should return a simple quote on the current rate of Bitcoin:
av_get(symbol = NULL, av_fun = "CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE", from_currency = "BTC", to_currency = "USD")
The API request is received without trouble and the data gets pulled as a json, instead of returning or converting to data frame, this code is executed
if (content_list[1] %>% names() == "Meta Data") { ... }
else {
if (is.null(symbol)) {
symbol <- "NULL"
params_list <- list(symbol = symbol, av_fun = av_fun)
dots$symbol <- NULL
params_list <- c(params_list, dots)
params_list$apikey = "HIDDEN_FOR_YOUR_SAFETY"
params_list$datatype = NULL
params <- stringr::str_c(names(params_list), params_list,
sep = "=", collapse = ", ") %>% stringr::str_replace("av_fun",
content <- content %>% jsonlite::fromJSON(flatten = T) %>%
stringr::str_c(". API parameters used: ", params)
stop(content, call. = F)
After determining the content isn't "Meta Data", the function decides to throw away the data as an error. Why? The data is already there, might as well return it as a list instead.
After referencing the code in this repository (as opposed to debugging in RStudio), I see now that if (content_list[1] %>% names() != "Meta Data")
then this is considered a "bad call". Maybe I misunderstand what that means, but in the case above I know the data was in fact retrieved via the API.
I couldn't scrape a correct JSON file from the API. I did it manually and there seems to be an error in the formatting in the JSON. e.g.
"Meta Data": {
"1. Information": "Forex Daily Prices (open, high, low, close)",
"2. From Symbol": "GBP",
"3. To Symbol": "USD",
"4. Output Size": "Full size",
"5. Last Refreshed": "2019-07-13 04:35:00",
"6. Time Zone": "GMT+8"
"Time Series FX (Daily)": {
"2019-07-13": {
"1. open": "1.2552",
"2. high": "1.2576",
"3. low": "1.2550",
"4. close": "1.2575"
"2019-07-12": {
"1. open": "1.2528",
"2. high": "1.2529",
"3. low": "1.2518",
"4. close": "1.2526"
"Time Series FX (Daily)": {
should not be there as this messed up my columns when I loaded it in locally. Also, do remove a curly bracket at the end of the code in order get closure.
I made a function like this to load a json file called "USDJPY.json"
scraping_cur <- function(x){
a <- jsonlite::fromJSON(paste0(x,".json"))
a <- lapply(a,unlist)
a <-, a[-1])
a <- as.xts(a)