simavr copied to clipboard
Fast PWM mode not working
It seems that there is an issue with Fast PWM mode at least on the ATMEGA1280 core.
#include <avr/io.h>
void main(void) {
DDRH = 255;
TCCR4A |= (1<<COM4A0) | (1<<COM4A1) | (1<<WGM41);
TCCR4B |= (1<<WGM43) | (1<<WGM42);
TCCR4B |= (1<<CS42) | (1<<CS40);
ICR4 = 1000;
OCR4A = 800;
This works on the real hardware work but does not work on the simulator (port is never set).
Loaded 1 section of ihex
Load HEX flash 00000000, 318
firmware f-1460556263.hex f=16000000 mmcu=atmega1280
TIMER: avr_timer_write-4 clock turned off
TIMER: avr_timer_write-4 clock turned off
TIMER: avr_timer_configure-4 TOP 15625.00Hz = 512 cycles = 32usec
Thank you very much
simavr does not simulate the pin changes due to fast PWM; i.e, no bitbanging.