pairpad copied to clipboard
A collaborative text editor using CRDTs and WebSockets. Lightweight, easy-to-setup.
A collaborative text editor written in Go.
- Lightweight (~4MB)
- Easy to setup (single binary, Docker/Fly setup available!)
- Export/import document content! (see keybindings)
Action | Key |
Exit | Esc , Ctrl+C |
Save to document | Ctrl+S |
Load from document | Ctrl+L |
Move cursor left | Left arrow key , Ctrl+B |
Move cursor right | Right arrow key , Ctrl+F |
Move cursor up | Up arrow key , Ctrl+P |
Move cursor down | Down arrow key , Ctrl+N |
Move cursor to start | Home |
Move cursor to end | End |
Delete characters | Backspace , Delete |
The easiest way to get started is to download pairpad
from the releases.
Then start a server:
Usage of pairpad-server:
-addr string
Server's network address (default ":8080")
Then start a client:
Usage of pairpad:
Enable debugging mode to show more verbose logs
-file string
The file to load the pairpad content from
Enable the login prompt for the server
Enable a secure WebSocket connection (wss://)
-server string
The network address of the server (default "localhost:8080")
Example usage would be:
- Connect to a server:
pairpad -server pairpad.test
- Enable login prompt:
pairpad -server pairpad.test -login
- Specify a file to save to/load from:
pairpad -server pairpad.test -file example.txt
- Enable debugging mode:
pairpad -server pairpad.test -debug
Local setup
To start the server:
go run server/main.go
To start the client:
go run client/*.go
(spin up at least 2 clients - it's a collaborative editor! Also works with a single client.)
The easiest way to deploy would be use to has an amazing guide to get started!
Here's the Dockerfile
FROM golang:1.18-alpine
COPY go.mod ./
COPY go.sum ./
RUN go mod download
COPY ./ ./
RUN apk add --no-cache bash && go build -o ./pairpad-server ./server/main.go
CMD [ "/app/pairpad-server" ]
Here's a sample fly.toml
app = "pairpad-server-<YOUR_NAME>"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = []
allowed_public_ports = []
auto_rollback = true
http_checks = []
internal_port = 8080
processes = ["app"]
protocol = "tcp"
script_checks = []
hard_limit = 25
soft_limit = 20
type = "connections"
force_https = true
handlers = ["http"]
port = 80
handlers = ["tls", "http"]
port = 443
grace_period = "1s"
interval = "15s"
restart_limit = 0
timeout = "2s"
How does it work?
Here's a basic explanation:
- Each client has a CRDT-backed local state (document).
- The CRDT has a
which can be represented by a sequence of characters with some attributes. - The server is responsible for:
- establishing connections with the client
- maintaining a list of active connections
- broadcasting operations sent from a client to other clients
- Clients connect to the server and send operations to the server.
- The TUI is responsible for:
- Rendering document content
- Handling key events
- Generating payload on key presses
- Dispatching generated payload to the server
is licensed under the MIT license.
Future plans
Text editors is a huge space - there's lots of improvements to be made!