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A simple UIColor category to get color with hex code.


A simple UIColor library to get UIColor object from RGB hex string/value, CMYK hex string/value or CMYK base component values. You can also retrieve back RGB hex string/value, CMYK hex string/value.

Awesome iOS Swift Version Objective C License DOI Build Status

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  • [x] Convert RGB Hex String/Value to UIColor
  • [x] Convert CMYK Hex String/Value to UIColor
  • [x] Get RGB Hex String/Value from UIColor
  • [x] Get CMYK Hex String/Value from UIColor
  • [x] Initialize CMYK from its base components
  • The beautiful part of this library is that you can input Hex values with #, 0x or 0X and the it will take care of this.
  • Also you can input hex value of any length and this will be handled.
  • The library also takes care of non-hex characters.

Supporting Formats for RGB Hex Strings:

  1. #B
  2. #BB
  3. #RGB
  4. #GGBB
  5. #RGGBB
  6. #RRGGBB

Supporting Formats for CMYK Hex Strings:

  1. #K
  2. #KK
  3. #YKK
  4. #CMYK
  5. #MYYKK
  6. #MMYYKK


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 7.3+



You can use CocoaPods to install TFTColor by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'YourApp' do
    pod 'TFTColor'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install



  1. Download and drop TFTColor.swift in your project.


  1. Download and drop TFTColor.h & TFTColor.m in your project.
  2. Congratulations!

Usage example


import TFTColor

// UIColor from RGB Hex String
UIColor(rgbHexString: "FF34AE", alpha: 1.0)
UIColor(rgbHexString: "#ea", alpha: 1.0)

// UIColor from RGB Hex Value
UIColor(rgbHexValue: 0xFF34AE alpha: 1.0)

// RGB Hex String from UIColor
let redColor = UIColor.redColor
redColor.rgbHexString //"FF0000"

// RGB Hex Value from UIColor
redColor.rgbHexValue //0xFF0000

// UIColor from CMYK component values 
// Creates and returns a color object using the specified opacity and CMYK component values.
// The components of the color object, specified as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
UIColor(cyan:0.5, magenta: 0.5, yellow: 0.5, black: 0.5, alpha: 1.0)

// UIColor from CMYK Hex String
UIColor(cmykHexString: "FF34AE34", alpha:1.0)
UIColor(cmykHexString: "#ea", alpha:1.0)

// UIColor from CMYK Hex Value
UIColor(cmykHexValue: 0xFF34AE34 alpha:1.0)

// CMYK Hex String from UIColor
redColor.cmykHexString //"00646400"

// CMYK Hex Value from UIColor
redColor.cmykHexValue //0x00646400


// UIColor from RGB Hex String
[UIColor colorWithRGBHexString:@"FF34AE" alpha:1.0f];
[UIColor colorWithRGBHexString:@"#ea" alpha:1.0f];

// UIColor from RGB Hex Value
[UIColor colorWithRGBHexValue:0xFF34AE alpha:1.0f];
// RGB Hex String from UIColor
[UIColor rgbHexStringForColor:[UIColor redColor]]; //@"FF0000"
// RGB Hex Value from UIColor
[UIColor rgbHexValueForColor:[UIColor redColor]]; //0xFF0000

// UIColor from CMYK component values
// Creates and returns a color object using the specified opacity and CMYK component values.
// The components of the color object, specified as a value from 0.0 to 1.0.
[UIColor colorWithCyan:0.5f magenta:0.5 yellow:0.5f black:0.5f alpha:1.0f];

// UIColor from CMYK Hex String
[UIColor colorWithCMYKHexString:@"FF34AE34" alpha:1.0f];
[UIColor colorWithCMYKHexString:@"#EA" alpha:1.0f]; 

// UIColor from CMYK Hex Value
[UIColor colorWithCMYKHexValue:0xFF34AE34 alpha:1.0f];

// CMYK Hex String from UIColor
[UIColor cmykHexStringForColor:[UIColor redColor]]; //"00646400" 

// CMYK Hex Value from UIColor
[UIColor cmykHexValueForColor:[UIColor redColor]]; //0x00646400


We would love for you to contribute to TFTColor, check the LICENSE file for more info.


Burhanuddin Sunelwala – @burhanuddin353[email protected]

Distributed under the The MIT License (MIT) license. See LICENSE for more information.