Nat Burgwyn
Nat Burgwyn
As an authenticated user I need to see the appropriate position classifications So that I'm aware of how a position is classified ## Acceptance Criteria - There are estimated to...
Define baseline and meaningful metrics for reviewing performance going forward
From [Before You Ship]( add - [eslint-config-scanjs]( - [eslint-plugin-security](
Currently, the Node proxy is not configured to accept self-signed certificates but just ignore TLS checks via [`NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED`]( Update configuration to support updating the certificate chain.
As a bureau authorized user I need to delegate capsule description CRUD operation access for a post within my bureau So that I can designate an editor for capsule descriptions...
Discussion of reporting needs for TalentMAP - Common queries - Key stakeholders and needs - Formats for consumption - CSV, PDF, etc
As an authorized TalentMAP user I need to see a list of bidders who have bid for a position So that I can manage the selection process ## Acceptance Criteria...
As a CDO, I want a task in my task list to identify who in my client list is extending their current position, So that I can determine their bidding...