> I had the same issue when trying to use MinGW. Thus I used MVSC2015 instead, which worked. This is with Qt 5.15.2 > > Note that this is on...
> I believe this would be the proper fix: > > win32-msvc*: { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+= -openmp QMAKE_LFLAGS += -openmp RC_ICONS = imgs/texassolver_logo.ico } > > win32-g++: { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fopenmp QMAKE_LFLAGS...
Oh, seems to be a serious bug, will fix in the next release.
Yes this is a known issue. I know it's bad, json is not a efficient format to save the strategy after all. I will seek to create a format of...
And BTW can you give me a clue why saving river is needed? Most people cannot even memorize flop and turn, not to mention river. I mean other than building...
> Lets say we have 100bb preflop we raise they 3bet we call, now if they bet half pot on the flop and half on the turn they are usually...
> me neither I'm a recreational player I play here and there and lose money haha. > > about your question: > > Here is a 3bet pot flop situation...
> From a game theoretical/computational point of view, figuring out an exact river solution (given full information on both players ranges) is an easy problem. > > However, when it...
This is a know bug, when three board card has the same suit this bug will appear. For now you can uncheck the "use isomorphism" option, which will solve the...
> Also, when using isomorphism, it always throws here > > https://github.com/bupticybee/TexasSolver/blob/02e52e4bb47473d2854626f8c19f26e698c73347/include/tools/utils.h#L22 > > which was called from > > https://github.com/bupticybee/TexasSolver/blob/02e52e4bb47473d2854626f8c19f26e698c73347/src/solver/PCfrSolver.cpp#L376 > > I thought it might help solve isomorphism...