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So many overrides
Does anyone have an overview why we have so many overrides?
That's because our API-documentations don't specify the (custom) parameter x-office yet and consequently refresh.js is not able to extract information on the office correctly.
Would it not be enough to only specify the x-office parameter and the github url instead of all the information in the overrides.json
I think this would also clarify what is missing and what is added.
Yes, that's correct. If the entries of the overrides.json
would get merged into entries extracted from the openapi.yaml
that would be a good solution. At the moment, the full entry is simply replaced.
Ultimately we should just x-office directly to the openapi.yaml to overcome the entry in the overrides.json.
I think they are getting merged into the exiting entries. I tried a simple example here : https://replit.com/@tiib/override-bundesapis#index.js
So we could just remove other parameter from the overrides.json
and it should still work.
Cool. Then it seems we can reduce it to only the needed keys.
However some do not have a description in their openapi.yaml so we need to be careful which entries to shorten. E.g. die destatis-api has no description in the openapi.yaml
As described in #30 we could get rid of at least a few overrides if we could change the description and webpage of the repositories.