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Consider implementing contentScale in Compose without using Transformations

Open tunjid opened this issue 2 months ago • 0 comments

Glide compose version used: 1.0.0-beta01.

In GlideImage, the implementation of ContentScale is with a contentScaleTransform.

This causes a few issues:

  • The same image with different content scales applied will have multiple memory cache entries.
  • It is currently not possible to interpolate a content scale change.

Ideally the application of a content scale should not require the creation of separate images. The same image should be properly displayed in the bounds of the container and not have any extra processing applied to it for different content scales.

The bug is best demonstrated visually:


It is possible to interpolate ContentScale as described in this blog post with the following code:

fun ContentScale.interpolate(): ContentScale {
    var interpolation by remember {
    var previousScale by remember {

    val currentScale by remember {
    }.apply {
        if (value != this@interpolate) previousScale = when {
            interpolation == 1f -> value
            else -> CapturedContentScale(
                capturedInterpolation = interpolation,
                previousScale = previousScale,
                currentScale = value
        }.also { interpolation = 0f }
        value = this@interpolate

    LaunchedEffect(currentScale) {
            initialValue = 0f,
            targetValue = 1f,
            animationSpec = spring(
                stiffness = 10f

            block = { progress, _ ->
                interpolation = progress

    return remember {
        object : ContentScale {
            override fun computeScaleFactor(
                srcSize: Size,
                dstSize: Size
            ): ScaleFactor {
                val start = previousScale.computeScaleFactor(
                    srcSize = srcSize,
                    dstSize = dstSize
                val stop = currentScale.computeScaleFactor(
                    srcSize = srcSize,
                    dstSize = dstSize

                return if (start == stop) stop
                else lerp(
                    start = start,
                    stop = stop,
                    fraction = interpolation

private class CapturedContentScale(
    private val capturedInterpolation: Float,
    private val previousScale: ContentScale,
    private val currentScale: ContentScale,

    ) : ContentScale {
    override fun computeScaleFactor(
        srcSize: Size,
        dstSize: Size
    ): ScaleFactor = lerp(
        start = previousScale.computeScaleFactor(
            srcSize = srcSize,
            dstSize = dstSize
        stop = currentScale.computeScaleFactor(
            srcSize = srcSize,
            dstSize = dstSize
        fraction = capturedInterpolation

In a comparison with Coil and a manual painter, Glide is unable to actually apply this interpolation. Consider the following:

                        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
                        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally
                    ) {
                        var contentScale by remember { mutableStateOf(ContentScale.Crop) }
                            imageUrl = IMAGE_URL,
                            contentDescription = null,
                            center = Alignment.Center,
                            crop = contentScale.interpolate(),
                            modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp),

                        val scales = remember {
                                ContentScale.Crop to "Crop",
                                ContentScale.Fit to "Fit",
                                ContentScale.None to "None",
                                ContentScale.FillHeight to "FillHeight",
                                ContentScale.FillWidth to "FillWidth",
                                ContentScale.FillBounds to "Fill",
                        Row {
                            scales.forEach { (scale, label) ->
                                    text = label,
                                    textDecoration = if (contentScale == scale) TextDecoration.Underline else TextDecoration.None,
                                    modifier = Modifier
                                        .clickable {
                                            contentScale = scale

Where ImageComparison is:

private fun ImageComparison(
    imageUrl: String,
    contentDescription: String?,
    center: Alignment,
    crop: ContentScale,
    modifier: Modifier
) {
        modifier = modifier,
        model = imageUrl,
        contentDescription = contentDescription,
        alignment = center,
        contentScale = crop,
    Text(text = "Coil")

        modifier = modifier,
        model = imageUrl,
        contentDescription = contentDescription,
        alignment = center,
        contentScale = crop,
    Text(text = "Glide")

        modifier = modifier,
        imageUrl = imageUrl,
        contentDescription = contentDescription,
        alignment = center,
        contentScale = crop,
    Text(text = "Manual Painter")

tunjid avatar Mar 28 '24 16:03 tunjid