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How to Access PL and user roles
We need to know which function/entity to access the PL of the person who logged in and their roles and responsibilities.
Thanks, Suresh Somasundaram
Hey Suresh,
First you should look at the REST API docs: http://developer.bullhorn.com/sites/default/files/BullhornRESTAPI_0_2.pdf
Page 102, talks about the /settings call this will return CORP and PL settings. To get a list of all available settings like so: https://rest.bullhorn.com/rest-services/e999/settings
Then access the values like so: https://rest.bullhorn.com/rest-services/e999/settings/userId,userEntitlements
To do this with BullhornJS:
// Get Bullhorn's HttpService, which will pull your rest endpoint and bhresttoken from cache
var http = Bullhorn.http();
// Get the endpoint you want access too, it returns a Promise
http.get('/settings').then(function(response) {
console.log('First Setting', response.data[0].name); // outputs: 'accountLockoutDuration'
// To get specific settings, you can request them in a comma separated list
http.get('/settings/userId,userEntitlements').then(function(response) {
console.log('settings', response);
// {
"userId": 5119506,
"userEntitlements": [
"Add Client Submission via Mobile",
"Add Education",
"Add Housing Complex Unit",
Hi bvkimball,
http.get('/settings').then(function(response) { chkdata = JSON.stringify(response);
console.log('First chkdata---', chkdata);
http.get('/settings/userId,userEntitlements').then(function(response) { console.log('settings', response); });
We have tried and got userId which is 3 but this is not logdin user id I think.
Here so many objects I am getting but where I will get login User Id, i do not know. Also I have tried
Kindly give some idea or solution to get that particular value User Id of current logdin user.
Is it possible to get current logdin user's role,PL etc from Users/User object or followings value
User Type, Private Label etc.
Thanks, Hari
You can use the userId received by the settings call to get the CorporateUser.
ie. ../entity/CorporateUser/3?fields=*
or with BullhornJS
var entity = new CorporateUser().fields('id','privateLabel(id,name)','userType(id,name)');
I have tried
http.get('/entity/CorporateUser/3?fields=*').then(function(response) {
console.log('settings............', response);
And getting following output but here not any Private Lable value, please see attached
Also tried var entity = new CorporateUser().fields('id','privateLabel(id,name)','userType(id,name)'); entity.get(3).then(function(response) { str = JSON.stringify(response); console.log('output---------------------', str); });
Uncaught ReferenceError: CorporateUser is not defined
Please let me know feasible solution.
hmm, i will look into that.
You should be able to get the PrivateLabel ID from setting. hopefully that can be a workaround for now.
Hi, First of all http.get('/settings/userId,privateLabelId').then(function(response) { I have tested and here userId not correct
Now I hard coded passed user id in following http.get('/entity/CorporateUser/920363?fields=*').then(function(response) { console.log('settings............', response); });
I am getting correct information but not getting private lable of this user
Still we are facing same issue, not resolved
http.get('/settings/userId,userEntitlements').then(function(response) {
here also userId not correct
we are looking to get the marked filed values for the logged in user.
At this time i am not sure if you will be able to get the 'name' of the privateLabel through the REST API. You can probably reach out to support or PS to get the corresponding ID for those PrivateLabels
First of all I am not getting correct user which is login now in bullhorn. I have used ""http.get('/settings/userId,userEntitlements').then(function(response) {" as you suggested. But not getting correct userId.
Second for privatelabelId for current user
http.get('/entity/CorporateUser/920363?fields=*').then(function(response) { chkdata = JSON.stringify(response); console.log('private Label ID............', chkdata); });
Here please see I pass fields=* for all fiels and want all fiels which are associated with that user but I m not getting privateLabelId which associated with current user. It means access level permission still there.
Also I read BullhornRESTAPI_0_1.pdf "Generally, user can read all entities. If the entity can be categorized into private and non-private, the user cannot read private entities owned by other users unless the user has the READ_PRIVATE entitlement."
Kindly see and help would appreciated.
Getting issue in private label Id
I have made user for comforce health and credentials as follows:
Now, I have created a candidate 920557 | hari test comforce this will make for comforce candidate.
Now, I have login through above credential and try to validate this candidate according to comforce, means I need to check “G2 ComforceHealth” for internal submission, client submission etc. based on private label id.
But issue is I am getting private label id 19801 which for ACS Group - AIC (Dev) through code. This is wrong. Code response from bullhorn is as follows.
Expected output will be ACS Group - ComforceHealth (Dev) and private lable id will be 19803.
So, I am unable to validate in case of private label id, in case of private Label Value working fine.