BCF-API copied to clipboard
Web service specification for BIM Collaboration Format
As the API stands, a project seem to correspond to different parts of a construction project: project A is the west wing of the building, project B is the east...
How should I upload the file? If I upload using `application/octet-stream` as it seems the spec says (see [Swagger](https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/buildingSMART/BCF/3.0#/Documents/post_bcf__version__projects__project_id__topics__topic_id__documents)), I don't have the filename: ``` curl --location 'https://.../documents' \ --header...
There is no way to delete a document reference.
What even is a project, a topic, a document, a snippet ? Is a document a file ? If so, what's the difference between a project document and a topic...
This cost me quite some time as I was trying to figure out how to parse the schemas.